Bharatiya Predated Newton Calculus "Discovery" By 250 Years
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-22 03:05:47 UTC
What an indian pain in the ass...
Nah, the bullshit artist, Jade Muckeraj, is not an Indian. She is just a
po' haole in Hawaii.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-23 04:45:44 UTC
What an indian pain in the ass...
Did your parents raise you to be a racist or did you
learn to be one all by yorself?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Did your parents raise you to be a spammer or
did you learn to be one all by yourself?
The above is not applicable.
How is the above not applicable when you are clearly
spamming multiple newsgroups multiple times?
Did your parents raise you to be a racist or did you
learn to be one all by yorself?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
The above is not applicable.
Are you completely dumb as well? When was I racist?
Can you spell "yourself" correctly at least once?
Yup, Lady Kaka (aka the Muckeraj) is as dumb as a doorknob - copy-paste
is about all she knows, despite the claims of a doctorate in something
or another. Comes from a lifetime of cowdung therapy.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-23 04:51:25 UTC
.... A little-known school of
scholars in southwest India discovered one of the
founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of
years before Newton according to new research....
This is not new research. Kim Plofker, "Mathematics in India", 2009,
is an excellent general history of Indian mathematics, and includes a
careful discussion of the Kerala school. She gives numerous referemces
to earlier work.
Ken Pledger.
In Lady Kaka's opinion, nothing is new until she has copy-pasted stuff
(without as much as an editorial comment) in multiple newsgroups. She is
essentially trying to drum up some business for her astrological mumbo
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-24 15:58:08 UTC
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 08:48:50 +1300, Ken Pledger
.... A little-known school of
scholars in southwest India discovered one of the
founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of
years before Newton according to new research....
=A0 This is not new research. =A0Kim Plofker, "Mathematics in India", 2=
is an excellent general history of Indian mathematics, and includes a
careful discussion of the Kerala school. =A0 She gives numerous referemc=
to earlier work.
=A0 =A0 =A0Ken Pledger.
It doesn't matter that they discovered it,
It matters to the locals.
they failed to pass it
forward into the body of human knowledge.
Peter Hill
Then how do we know they did it first? That knowledge was localised,
as opposed to globalised.
True. Of course a lot of our texts were destroyed, stolen
or suppressed by foreign invaders and occupiers for
centuries. Also, our sage-scientists protected knowledge
from the invaders by "hiding" it in devotional verses
used in prayers, knowing that the Muslim and Christian
occupiers would not recite them. These verses have been
passed down the generations to us.
ROTFLMAO! A haole talking about 'our texts' is funny.

Never mind that some of the greatest works in Sanskrit had been around
for centuries _before_ jihadis showed up. But yup, all Hindu
sage-scientists were jyotishis and knew when exactly India was going to
be invaded and occupied, and by who. So they created this elaborate
mantr/sootr scheme to hide "nuclear weapons," "radiation shields,"
"bio/nanotechnology," "dungpowder," oops, "gunpowder" ... from the
invaders/occupiers. Now if only Lady Kaka could point out the devotional
bits in the sootrs of ved maths, that would help give at least one
example of mastery of disguising hi-tech in devotion.
The anti-Hindus had to be better at Sanskrit than the Hindu brahmins
(after learning all from them) in order to interpolate the texts.
That they could not do, they never could produce such a genius.
How about alleged Hindus living outside India trying to be better at
English and Science than the natives (after learning at their
universities). Have they been able to produce a genius? The people Down
Under would want to know.
Then their efforts to get treacherous brahmins to do the dirty jobs
could not go too well, just see the pathetic efforts of our
"sanskritic" :-) :-) heh-heh goons.
The treacherous are also cretinous, and their undoubted capacity for
slander and vile abuse cannot be mistaken for talent.
I take this is as an admission that you are indeed a 'treacherous'
brahmin? Why the self-hate all of a sudden? Who are the "sanskritic
goons" trying to get you to do the "dirty jobs"? Aila, Australia mein
jhaadu lagaata hai kya? Lady Kaka Waikiki ke hotels mein kamre saaf
karti hai kya?

BTW, to date, you and Lady Kaka have not demonstrated _any_ knowledge of
Sanskrit. However, you have more than amply demonstrated an utter lack
of morality and ethics when it comes to money. Small wonder then that
the idiot-savant, Poochie, calls Lady Kaka a "ho". What a trio of
frauds. Add in Hoochie, and you have a quartet - the 4 jacks in a
tainted deck.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-25 14:49:06 UTC
Thus the power of the Sanskrit language - its sheer greatness makes
its literature proof to tampering, and hands down the thoughts of the
sages, and the
experiences of the priests and kings down accurately from time
I love it when Macaulyte mutts start gushing up wild claims, ascribing
magical qualities to a language, and speculating about its literature.

Sanskrit greatness makes its literature proof to tampering? This does
not make sense. Idiot, there have been recensions of the "veds" (as the
other fraudlent mutt calls them) and rearrangement of material over the
centuries. So, what is tamper proof"? the greatness lies in the human
memory to which the texts (or parts thereof) were committed and
transmitted faithfully from teacher to student. [Note: this rote
learning continues in all aspects on Indian education, including
science!! Evidence of this lies in Lady Kaka's inability to produce
anything original.]

Anyways, all this alleged "tamper-proof" greatness, of which you are in
awe, ended with Panini's codification of grammar laws and the ability to
write down the texts (first in Brahmi). Nothing magical about a logical
progression and absolutely nothing magical about Sanskrit. The "magical"
bits are in Panini's codification of grammar rules, rules that give the
language precision (much to its detriment later).

It is absolute bullshit to say that Sanskrit literature is all about
"handing down thoughts" of priests and kings. It was a living language
(with a mass base) and its literature dealt with the mundane to the
sublime. It died in the hands of the clergy (who claimed exclusivity to
its use), and grammarians (who are pretty efficient at killing any
language), i.e., the language died at the hands of unimaginative
anal-retentive types. Thankfully, Sanskrit gave rise to several Indian
languages, languages used by common folks and enriched by writers and
thinkers who've treated these languages like putty and molded them into
various (and much prettier) forms than Sanskrit.

Today Sanskrit is the language of Hindu liturgy and nothing else. You
and Lady Kaka, who use English exclusively and pidginize Sanskrit words,
shouldn't even open your traps about Sanskrit. Both you guys are frauds.
A keen student can find out what was really meant by the
great writers of
the past - not all the efforts of the traitors and quotays and foreign
ranters can dilute a whit of it all. Bad philosophers may opine,
priests may fool the
masses in temples, kings may convert to other faiths. But so long as
the language and the literature remains, the past will remain cool and
crystal clear
to the pure student, seeking blessings directly from the Divine, for
his own illumination.
Oh yeah, so babbles the man who has not got past the opening line of the
Rg Veda. You're better off pumping your hot air into your infernal force
Lazy people will follow the corrupt leaders and
lying scholarship, but truth is beyond the scope of such perverted
democracy. The ironic voice of the Goddess Saraswati cannot be
submerged by the
foul abuse of the ranting quotawallahs.
More Barty Bow Bow doo from you. The "ironic voice"? Sheesh! With
writing like this, Goddess Saraswati will be submerged by you. Hey,
talking about submergence, written any new poems on "baboons swooning in
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-25 14:56:10 UTC
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 08:48:50 +1300, Ken Pledger
.... A little-known school of
scholars in southwest India discovered one of the
founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of
years before Newton according to new research....
=3DA0 This is not new research. =3DA0Kim Plofker, "Mathematics =
in India", 2009,
is an excellent general history of Indian mathematics, and inclu=
des a
careful discussion of the Kerala school. =3DA0 She gives numerou=
s referemc=3D
to earlier work.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Ken Pledger.
It doesn't matter that they discovered it,
It matters to the locals.
they failed to pass it
forward into the body of human knowledge.
Peter Hill
Then how do we know they did it first? =A0That knowledge was locali=
as opposed to globalised.
True. Of course a lot of our texts were destroyed, stolen
or suppressed by foreign invaders and occupiers for
centuries. Also, our sage-scientists protected knowledge
from the invaders by "hiding" it in devotional verses
used in prayers, knowing that the Muslim and Christian
occupiers would not recite them. These verses have been
passed down the generations to us.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
The anti-Hindus had to be better at Sanskrit than the Hindu brahmins
(after learning all from them) in order to interpolate the texts.
That they could not do, they never could produce such a genius.
Then their efforts to get treacherous brahmins to do the dirty jobs
could not go too well, just see the pathetic efforts of our
"sanskritic" :-) :-) heh-heh goons/baboons.
The treacherous are also cretinous, so their undoubted capacity for
slander and vile abuse cannot be mistaken for talent.
(minor alterations above).
Thus the power of the Sanskrit language - its sheer greatness makes
its literature proof to tampering, and hands down the thoughts of the
sages, and the
experiences of the priests and kings down accurately from time
immemorial. A keen student can find out what was really meant by the
great writers of
the past - not all the efforts of the traitors and quotays and foreign
ranters can dilute a whit of it all. Bad philosophers may opine,
priests may fool the
masses in temples, kings may convert to other faiths. But so long as
the language and the literature remains, the past will remain cool and
crystal clear
to the pure student, seeking blessings directly from the Divine, for
his own illumination. Lazy people will follow the corrupt leaders and
lying scholarship, but truth is beyond the scope of such perverted
democracy. The ironic voice of the Goddess Saraswati cannot be
submerged by the
foul abuse of the ranting quotawallahs.
Arindam Banerjee
Saraswati Devi Kee Jai Ho!
It is only to a few that this marvellous goddess gives the blessing to
speak the Deva-bhasha the way She wants. No quotay, nor any absurd
of his, can hope to get such a blessing.
So, it is my great joy and pride to be thus blessed; and further, to
have shown it off on stage, saying the finest lines of Kalidasa under
superb direction to a
rapt audience...
So you did the verbal equivalent of "copy-paste" (seems to be peculiar
to IITD types - Poochie, Lady Kaka, You, ...). Big deal! There are great
Shakespearan actors, and I don't recall any of them ever claiming to be
masters of English literature.

Written anything original in the language that you and Lady Kaka are so
proud of? Have you ever even attempted to copy-paste great Sanskrit
literature (in the Devanagari script) here and provide a translation?
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-26 13:21:30 UTC
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 08:48:50 +1300, Ken Pledger
.... A little-known school of
scholars in southwest India discovered one of the
founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of
years before Newton according to new research....
=3DA0 This is not new research. =3DA0Kim Plofker, "Mathematics =
in India", 2009,
is an excellent general history of Indian mathematics, and inclu=
des a
careful discussion of the Kerala school. =3DA0 She gives numerou=
s referemc=3D
to earlier work.
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0Ken Pledger.
It doesn't matter that they discovered it,
It matters to the locals.
they failed to pass it
forward into the body of human knowledge.
Peter Hill
Then how do we know they did it first? =A0That knowledge was locali=
as opposed to globalised.
True. Of course a lot of our texts were destroyed, stolen
or suppressed by foreign invaders and occupiers for
centuries. Also, our sage-scientists protected knowledge
from the invaders by "hiding" it in devotional verses
used in prayers, knowing that the Muslim and Christian
occupiers would not recite them. These verses have been
passed down the generations to us.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
The anti-Hindus had to be better at Sanskrit than the Hindu brahmins
(after learning all from them) in order to interpolate the texts.
That they could not do, they never could produce such a genius.
Then their efforts to get treacherous brahmins to do the dirty jobs
could not go too well, just see the pathetic efforts of our
"sanskritic" :-) :-) heh-heh goons/baboons.
The treacherous are also cretinous, so their undoubted capacity for
slander and vile abuse cannot be mistaken for talent.
(minor alterations above).
Thus the power of the Sanskrit language - its sheer greatness makes
its literature proof to tampering, and hands down the thoughts of the
sages, and the
experiences of the priests and kings down accurately from time
immemorial. A keen student can find out what was really meant by the
great writers of
the past - not all the efforts of the traitors and quotays and foreign
ranters can dilute a whit of it all. Bad philosophers may opine,
priests may fool the
masses in temples, kings may convert to other faiths. But so long as
the language and the literature remains, the past will remain cool and
crystal clear
to the pure student, seeking blessings directly from the Divine, for
his own illumination. Lazy people will follow the corrupt leaders and
lying scholarship, but truth is beyond the scope of such perverted
democracy. The ironic voice of the Goddess Saraswati cannot be
submerged by the
foul abuse of the ranting quotawallahs.
Arindam Banerjee
Saraswati Devi Kee Jai Ho!
It is only to a few that this marvellous goddess gives the blessing to
speak the Deva-bhasha the way She wants. No quotay, nor any absurd
of his, can hope to get such a blessing.
So, it is my great joy and pride to be thus blessed; and further, to
have shown it off on stage, saying the finest lines of Kalidasa under
superb direction to a
rapt audience...
Many years after that, people come to me and say how much they
appreciated it. It was really something, the power of the words, in a
gripping drama.
While it impacted so much upon the audience, the maximum impact was
upon me! No experience beats that, speaking properly in the language
of the gods.
It is not as if that something has to be repeated to make supreme
sense. Such is only for the dull, the fodder of propaganda of, for
and by the quotays.
If I recall correctly, only B'deshis were "appreciative" of this moron's
"powerful performance" (read histrionics). But this was sufficient to
further inflate the "master thespian's" ego. So moved was he by his own
histrionics (with words in "God's own tongue") that he decided he'd ham
it on the newsgroups too. Since he has now bought into his own hot air,
but still doesn't know Sanskrit, I guess I'll have settle for a
rendition of "Nearer, my God, to thee!" sung in a way that Kalidasa and
the evangelical Christian, Lady Kaka, would appreciate.

Arindumb is one lucky dude. Always being full of himself, he doesn't
have to eat, ever. And so does not put on any weight at all. However,
walking might be tricky with his c.g. running so high (assuming a
perpetual swelled head). Then again, maybe Arindumb is a c.g. doll with
the brains having slid down into the right areas.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-27 09:10:16 UTC
Many years after that, people come to me and say how much they
appreciated it. It was really something, the power of the words, in a
gripping drama.
While it impacted so much upon the audience, the maximum impact was
upon me! No experience beats that, speaking properly in the language
of the gods.
It is not as if that something has to be repeated to make supreme
sense. Such is only for the dull, the fodder of propaganda of, for
and by the quotays.
The "quotays" will learn eventually about the divinity of Sanskrit.
In which case they will no longer be quotays.
Hoo boy! The two "divine frauds," whose knowledge and mastery of
Sanskrit are non-existent, have finally admitted to being "quotays" of
the non-Trucial States kind, and continue to play "ping pong" like
"quotays" of the Trucial States kind. How about now you two own up to
being total frauds, eh ("fraudays")?

BTW, Kakadevi is a good mentor of the faggoty ass Poochie. Both
specialize in writing one-line responses to reams of copy-paste crap.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.