Fairmont man helping Indias untouchables
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-06 15:48:24 UTC
Fuck off, Poochie. Other than your usual copy-paste, if you don't have
anything substantive to add to the "discussion," better not to post. Go
wash a firehydrant, or answer the question of how you got to be a
"professor" with a single-digit IQ?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-06 15:59:16 UTC
Jyothi Raju Gaddapati, an Indian native who now resides in Fairmont,
aims to help the Dalits -- specifically Christian Dalits -- by
spreading the word in the United States about their plight.
The problem is very simple. Christians and Muslims always want to
conquer other people, subjugate them and exploit their resources. They
are not religions at all. So they use every opportunity in every place
to divide and exploit people. In India the caste system is exploited.
There are problems any where. So called dalits ( not an official term
as the SC/St commission said this is not a valid term at all) have
problems but they are progressing, often at the expense of so many
others by sheer political manipulation. They are politically powerful
far more than many, They have so many concessions it is unbelievable
any where in the world
But missionary bastards and Muslim bastards will exploit all this and
denigrate Hindus and India so they can get converts and use converts
as traitors
Bastards like th Jyothi Raju got into US thru missionary help
probably. Such coolie bastards have to drum up business for their
masters. Or else they will be kicked back to India! Many get into US
like this
There are many coolie bastards like him. Such traitors are in this
news group too
Bastard missionaries and Muslim bastards always look for
Coolies are plenty in India!
Whether or not the term "dalit" is official is completely irrelevant to
this discussion.

That evangelical creeds will try and win over converts any which way is
well known. Besides, these creeds do enjoin them to go forth and
multiply the flock. BTW, this is not limited to Abrahamic creeds.
Buddhists too actively seek converts to their faith. The methods differ
somewhat from the agressive evangelical Christian nutjobs.

That said, it is ironic that alleged "real Hindus" who vent their
spleens here are quite unwilling to kick themselves out of US, Canada,
Europe back to India and help rectify the supposedly "alarming"
situation. Isn't this hypocrisy?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-05-06 18:19:42 UTC
On May 6, 11:59 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Whether or not the term "dalit" is official is completely irrelevant to
this discussion.
Nothing is without a motive. The term dalit is a political term. It is
an attempt to bring together sc. st, bc and mbc thus enlarging the
vote base under the banner of the persecuted! Sc commission did not
fall for that. Christians and Muslims prefer this term so they can
covert and exploit
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Buddhists too actively seek converts to their faith. The methods differ
somewhat from the agressive evangelical Christian nutjobs.
Buddhists never exploited any country economically

Compare that to Christians and Muslims whose main purpose is to be the
tool of colonisers

Thus syamanthaka maNi ( wrongly called Kohinoor) adorns the head of
the super pirate Queen Elizabeth!
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
That said, it is ironic that alleged "real Hindus" who vent their
spleens here are quite unwilling to kick themselves out of US, Canada,
Europe back to India and help rectify the supposedly "alarming"
situation. Isn't this hypocrisy?
Christians and colonizers use this argument when the are exposed. They
want the victims to leave and go to India.

But the coolie bastards are sent to US and west by missionaries to
spread hate propaganda!

Returning to India is not the only solution

We can do a lot here. Fight coolies here, spread awareness, still
support Hindus in India by various means etc etc
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-07 07:26:30 UTC
On May 6, 11:59 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Whether or not the term "dalit" is official is completely irrelevant to
this discussion.
Nothing is without a motive. The term dalit is a political term. It is
an attempt to bring together sc. st, bc and mbc thus enlarging the
vote base under the banner of the persecuted! Sc commission did not
fall for that. Christians and Muslims prefer this term so they can
covert and exploit
Bollocks! Dalit is not a "political term." दलित is a pure Sanskrit word
(past particइple of दल्-क्त) meaning (from Apte): "1. Broken, torn, rent,
burst, split; 2. Opened, expanded; 3. Bisected; 4. Driven asunder,
dispelled, scattered; 5. Trodden down, crushed, destroyed; 6.
Manifested, displayed." [There you go! Primary, secondary, and tertiary
meanings of the word. BTW, the word is in Monier-Williams too]. The word
was used by Jotiba Phule (19th century) way before any Hindu caste (or
tribe) went into a constitutional schedule. In some sense the term has
more meaning than any schedule this or that.

Yes, the NCSC (under Buta Singh - father of "Sweetie" Singh) pulled off
the "official designation" bit and asked governments to end its use. I
don't know if UP ever complied when Mayawati was running the show.
Whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, whatever, the term "dalit" has more
currency than any official mumbo-jumbo term. Hell! Even the mainstream
media use this term.

Anyways, I think you are confusing issues here. Don't worry about the
semantics and officialese, and get to the point. Any evangelical faith,
with its built-in requirement to multiply the flock, will use any means,
fair or foul, to increase the numbers. From the initial "spiritual
succor" angle, larger numbers will mean a push for political power in
the long. This viral spread is very very prevalent in Islam more than in
Christianity. This is well known, and raving and ranting about it here
does not add anything new.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Buddhists too actively seek converts to their faith. The methods differ
somewhat from the agressive evangelical Christian nutjobs.
Buddhists never exploited any country economically
If there wasn't any political power behind Buddhism, it would never have
spread outside a little part of India.
Compare that to Christians and Muslims whose main purpose is to be the
tool of colonisers
Who are these "colonizers" that you refer to? The days of colonialism
are long over. Instead of using the chance to build a whole new country
and whole new society, India chose the wrong path of bubbling up
centuries old crap, coddling the problem, taking away a sense of
self-worth, ... Gandhi added to this by some condescending terms like
"Harijan" and "Girijan".
Thus syamanthaka maNi ( wrongly called Kohinoor) adorns the head of
the super pirate Queen Elizabeth!
Bollocks! This is the P N Oak version of history. Kohinoor is a 13th
cent. diamond from Andhra (Golconda specifically).

Syamantaka (of the Jambavan legend) is a ruby, not a diamond.

The pirate queen to take "final" possession of the Kohinoor was Queen
Victoria and not Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother). It did not adorn
the Queen Mother's head too often, and it sits on display in the Tower
of London.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
That said, it is ironic that alleged "real Hindus" who vent their
spleens here are quite unwilling to kick themselves out of US, Canada,
Europe back to India and help rectify the supposedly "alarming"
situation. Isn't this hypocrisy?
Christians and colonizers use this argument when the are exposed. They
want the victims to leave and go to India.
Bollocks! Raving and ranting here ain't changed a thing, and never will.
But the coolie bastards are sent to US and west by missionaries to
spread hate propaganda!
Huh? Who are a the "coolie bastards"? Are you one? Do you have your own
business or do you work for someone? If you work for someone, wouldn't
that be "coolie" status (regardless of parentage)? If you don't work for
someone, you'd be dealing with "non-Hindus" to welcome Lakshmi Devi
home, wouldn't you? Would that money be "coolie" earnings? I mean to
accept "non-Hindu" money is shameful, no? If don't work at all and leech
off someone, then that would even worse than "coolie," no?
Returning to India is not the only solution
It isn't? How so? You want to be an armchair activist while the "coolie"
sent back home does the fighting there? Or you want someone else to do
the fighting, while you feel superior (and entitled) to a cushy life in
the west as a pretend "non-coolie."
We can do a lot here. Fight coolies here, spread awareness, still
support Hindus in India by various means etc etc
What the hell does that mean? You want to stay in the West to bankroll a
civil war in India, just like Lady Kaka does?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-05-07 21:58:38 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Bollocks! Dalit is not a "political term." दलित is a pure Sanskrit word
I did not question the etymology of the word. Dalit is apolitical term
having no sanction in official parlance
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Anyways, I think you are confusing issues here. Don't worry about the
semantics and officialese, and get to the point.
That is what I would like

Any evangelical faith,
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
with its built-in requirement to multiply the flock, will use any means,
fair or foul, to increase the numbers.
Such "faiths" are Christianity and Islam. Both fake, masks for
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Buddhists never exploited any country economically
If there wasn't any political power behind Buddhism, it would never have
spread outside a little part of India.
The only question was whether Buddhists ever exploited any country for
economic reasons.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Who are these "colonizers" that you refer to? The days of colonialism
are long over.
Not really. Colonization still continues in India, Iraq, Libya etc
etc. You name it. It goes on under different names
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Thus syamanthaka maNi ( wrongly called Kohinoor) adorns the head of
the super pirate Queen Elizabeth!
Bollocks! This is the P N Oak version of history. Kohinoor is a 13th
cent. diamond from Andhra (Golconda specifically).
The Kakathiya Raja did not call it Kohinoor nonsense
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
The pirate queen to take "final" possession of the Kohinoor was Queen
Victoria and not Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother). It did not adorn
the Queen Mother's head too often, and it sits on display in the Tower
of London.
You seem to agree they are pirates. So is Elizabeth II
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Huh? Who are a the "coolie bastards"?
Coolies who work for colonisers

Are you one? Do you have your own
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
business or do you work for someone?
Not relevant

If you work for someone, wouldn't
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
that be "coolie" status (regardless of parentage)? If you don't work for
someone, you'd be dealing with "non-Hindus" to welcome Lakshmi Devi
home, wouldn't you? Would that money be "coolie" earnings? I mean to
accept "non-Hindu" money is shameful, no? If don't work at all and leech
off someone, then that would even worse than "coolie," no?
Does not make any sense
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
We can do a lot here. Fight coolies here, spread awareness, still
support Hindus in India by various means etc etc
What the hell does that mean? You want to stay in the West to bankroll a
civil war in India, just like Lady Kaka does?
It means what I said. There are many things we can do here. Returning
to India is the call of Christian coolie bastards who say we should be
loyal to our masters who feed us here and should never ever say
anything against them or go back!

That is not the way it works. We are free and can condemn them here
for their blunders
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-08 06:14:07 UTC
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Bollocks! Dalit is not a "political term." दलित is a pure Sanskrit word
I did not question the etymology of the word. Dalit is apolitical term
having no sanction in official parlance
And so? The "official term" is going to change the debate or its outcome?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Anyways, I think you are confusing issues here. Don't worry about the
semantics and officialese, and get to the point.
That is what I would like
Okay, but I do not have a clue behind your rants.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Any evangelical faith,
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
with its built-in requirement to multiply the flock, will use any means,
fair or foul, to increase the numbers.
Such "faiths" are Christianity and Islam. Both fake, masks for
I don't care if these faiths are fake or real, as I am not interested in
either in any shape or form. However, the fact remains that adherents of
these faiths are enjoined to multiply the flock.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Buddhists never exploited any country economically
If there wasn't any political power behind Buddhism, it would never have
spread outside a little part of India.
The only question was whether Buddhists ever exploited any country for
economic reasons.
Any country exploits another for economic reasons. Period. There has
never ever been a nation/kingdom that tried to expand for very "noble
reasons." Name a few "noble" Buddhist kingdoms that did not have any
armies or did not enslave people. How did the Pala Kingdom growin the
9th cent.?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Who are these "colonizers" that you refer to? The days of colonialism
are long over.
Not really. Colonization still continues in India, Iraq, Libya etc
etc. You name it. It goes on under different names
Colonization of India continues? By whom? Are you suggesting that India
become isolationist? Maybe that is good. The country does not exhibit a
spine to stand up to anybody or anything, and, other than the "noble"
aim of making money, seems disinterested in world affairs too.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Thus syamanthaka maNi ( wrongly called Kohinoor) adorns the head of
the super pirate Queen Elizabeth!
Bollocks! This is the P N Oak version of history. Kohinoor is a 13th
cent. diamond from Andhra (Golconda specifically).
The Kakathiya Raja did not call it Kohinoor nonsense
What did the Kakatiya Raja call it? It was called Kohinoor by Md.Tughlaq
and the name stuck. In P N Oak's version of history, this gets called
syamantaka, blah, blah. All these "scholarly historians" forget that
that syamantaka mani was a ruby and not a diamond.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
The pirate queen to take "final" possession of the Kohinoor was Queen
Victoria and not Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother). It did not adorn
the Queen Mother's head too often, and it sits on display in the Tower
of London.
You seem to agree they are pirates. So is Elizabeth II
Yup! The East India Co. was definitely a bunch of pirates. However, you
are wrong that the Queen Mother was the original pirate. Nope, the first
benficiary of the Kohinoor was Queen Victoria. BTW, the Kohinoor has
changed hands several times from the Kakatiyas to the Brits. So that
list would include Hindus, Turks, Persians, Afghans, and Brits.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Huh? Who are a the "coolie bastards"?
Coolies who work for colonisers
Are you one? Do you have your own
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
business or do you work for someone?
Not relevant
Oh yes it is. You cannot happily throw around words like "coolie
bastards" if you are one (coolie, or bastard, or both) yourself. Were
you invited into the West because you were "special"? I somehow doubt
it. You came here for a better economic life - a move that trumped all
Hindu orthodoxy. Now that a couple of cents have been made, and you feel
like a fish out of water culturally, you start conjuring up all kinds of
conspiracies. I have had absolutely no problem maintaining my religious
identity in the US, and have never had any "coolie complex".
Post by uNmaivirumbi
If you work for someone, wouldn't
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
that be "coolie" status (regardless of parentage)? If you don't work for
someone, you'd be dealing with "non-Hindus" to welcome Lakshmi Devi
home, wouldn't you? Would that money be "coolie" earnings? I mean to
accept "non-Hindu" money is shameful, no? If don't work at all and leech
off someone, then that would even worse than "coolie," no?
Does not make any sense
Yeah, I figured it would not.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by uNmaivirumbi
We can do a lot here. Fight coolies here, spread awareness, still
support Hindus in India by various means etc etc
What the hell does that mean? You want to stay in the West to bankroll a
civil war in India, just like Lady Kaka does?
It means what I said. There are many things we can do here. Returning
to India is the call of Christian coolie bastards who say we should be
loyal to our masters who feed us here and should never ever say
anything against them or go back!
Nope. This is plain hypocrisy. _Nobody_, except vile evangelical types
and plain old nazis, make any sort of demands, at least the no one in
the US does. However, gratitude for the sheer freedom (from paleolithic
thinking of hyprocritical Indians) is paid back in making this country,
and the community one lives in, better. One can do the same thing back
in India too.

If you simply hate the West, its ideals, its people, and see a
conspiracy around every corner, better head back to the security and
comfort of the maatrubhoomi. Makes it so much easier to fight the battle
personally instead of letting "coolies" do it for you.
Post by uNmaivirumbi
That is not the way it works. We are free and can condemn them here
for their blunders
Bullshit! This is cowardly "armchair activism" with freedom of speech
providing a convenient cover.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-05-08 12:28:42 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
I don't care if these faiths are fake or real, as I am not interested in
either in any shape or form. However, the fact remains that adherents of
these faiths are enjoined to multiply the flock.
You seem to adamantly oppose any attempts to show these are cults
which exploit people
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-09 03:47:09 UTC
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
I don't care if these faiths are fake or real, as I am not interested in
either in any shape or form. However, the fact remains that adherents of
these faiths are enjoined to multiply the flock.
You seem to adamantly oppose any attempts to show these are cults
which exploit people
Bollocks! Just pointing out that you haven't made any cogent arguments
to back any of the "coolie" claims.

For all the claims of being super-duper-hyper Hindus, you, Lady Kaka,
and the fucking moron, fanabba, were nowhere around when the original
"coolie," Cuckoo Curry Ku, insinuated that Hindu/Hinduism was synonymous
with Nazi/Nazism because of the "swastika". I guess you all were busy
paying taxes for Haj subsidies.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-08 06:16:51 UTC
Thanks a lot for your service to sanathan Dharma
Jai Hind
Where did the "seva" to sanaatana dharma occur in Lady Kaka's (repeated)
copy-paste? Besides, only 3 of 15 tributes are by desis. The rest are
from dead white guys? Hinduism does not become legit until it has the
approval of dead white guys, right?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-05-08 12:27:51 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Thanks a lot for your service to sanathan Dharma
Jai Hind
Where did the "seva" to sanaatana dharma occur in Lady Kaka's (repeated)
copy-paste? Besides, only 3 of 15 tributes are by desis. The rest are
from dead white guys? Hinduism does not become legit until it has the
approval of dead white guys, right?
Jai Maharajji has done more for Sanathan dharma, justice and human
dignity than any one else in this ng
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-09 03:52:57 UTC
Post by uNmaivirumbi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Thanks a lot for your service to sanathan Dharma
Jai Hind
Where did the "seva" to sanaatana dharma occur in Lady Kaka's (repeated)
copy-paste? Besides, only 3 of 15 tributes are by desis. The rest are
from dead white guys? Hinduism does not become legit until it has the
approval of dead white guys, right?
Jai Maharajji has done more for Sanathan dharma, justice and human
dignity than any one else in this ng
How? Through copy-paste? How about the "learned scholar's" attempts at
foisting off garbage as "saniskrit", wrong translations of non-existent
books, ...? How does this constitute "seva" to sanaatana dharma?
Copy-pasting salacious stories about padre proclivities constitute
"seva" to sanaatana dharma? How? This bitch is a political shill and a
criminal mind. Nothing human about her, and this fraudulent diseased
bitch has no dignity.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised