Metaphysics before physics...
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-27 14:04:08 UTC
many years.
-Updated on February 2, 2012-
The only thing that Lady Kaka has updated is her .sig. The cuckoo
copy-paste is from seven years ago. Limited repertoire.
I am sure that these brilliant and ancient insights could be made use
of in your script. You could make passing references. Certainly I
mentioned these legends of
the viman in my book "To the Stars!'. I often think that the best
thing that Indian-Hindus have done, is to retain such memories of some
glorious past, in myth and
legend, for the proper inspiration of the poet and genuine scientist.
The psueduo-Hindu thugs have always collaborated with the anti-Hindus
for their own personal or group
gains. They have made short-term gains, no doubt, but in the long run
they will join the ranks of the exalted and worthless pains in the
Arindam Banerjee
How about phony copy-paste Hindus? Have they had "brilliant insights".
After all, some of them like Lady Kaka are supposedly ancient enough.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-27 14:11:21 UTC
"My theory is that whenever we dare to do something
different, some benevolent cosmic being sends a whole
bunch of people to tell us what a dumb idea it is. These
people actually perform a valuable service. They come to
test our level of commitment. If you notice, the more
tentative you feel, the more pessimistic they sound. If
they succeed in discouraging you, be grateful. You
didn't have the moxie to make it in the first place.
This is good information to have. It means you need to
go back and tune up your intention or let go of what's
holding you back. On the other hand, if you're
determined to succeed in spite of these killjoys, then
you most certainly will." - Barbara Stanny
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your
ambitions. Small people always do that. But the really
great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain
Wow! The "brilliance" of IITD is on full display here. Other than
palming off quotes from Barbara Stanny and Mark Twain, the phony
copy-paste Hindu has done precious little else. Not a word that the
little troll would give one red cent for Arindumb to develop his
"vimans". Yeah, not even a cent from the "Hollywood movie" the piece of
human garbage is threatening to make.
Very worthy quotes, thanks!
Arindam Banerjee.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised