'On folly' - Discussion started by Arindam Banerjee
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-13 12:28:22 UTC
A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science
into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence
University education. - George Bernard Shaw.
Ah, I see the "asli Hindu" couldn't find any "saniskrit schlock" (vedic
misspelling) to copy-paste here. After bursting with pride about
Hinduism, Lady Kaka had to get back to her roots and quote a dead white
guy. Nevertheless, Lady Kaka does embody the quotation. Looks like the
"famed" IITs do turn out absolute human junk in the name of education.
yes, when fools get degrees and become professors as they can perform
no other paying "activity" they become dangerous indeed.
Aila! Did you just diss Lady Kaka's biggest "phan" - Prof. Poochie from
Indiana? But Prof. Poochie does a whole lot of non-paying activity.
Every single fire hyrant in Terre Haute has been "washed" by this mutt.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-14 13:17:40 UTC
[ Subject: On folly
[ Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 20:33:05 -0700 (PDT)
baldeagle, LT Lee, anyone - Is there anyway we can help this man g=
started on his project? You know all I ever talk about is expandin=
humanity thru the universe. =A0Here is a starting point!!!
Your instinct of "expanding humanity thru the universe" got roused =
by "this man" because he is Indian?
It did not stir at all for either Wu Ying of Dongyang,Zhejiang
province in China or for Tan Hong Guang of the city of Weifang in
Shandong province in China.
Is it because "this man" comes from upper class Hindu background wi=
facility to attend two top technology institutes of India and has
managed to migrate out while Wu Ying is a school drop out and Tan H=
Guang is an ordinary farmer and an occasional welder?
A fool shows his ignorance through and through.
What to call a Chinese calling on other Chinese to find powers that
are in China to benefit a better off Indian
He is a brilliant person because he knows that helping anyone with new
and better ideas will benefit everyone - but as Chinese will do that
first they will benefit first.
He is also correct to call you (Joshiji) a fool because a fool will
harm others he does not like, since a fool being a fool is composed
entirely of prejudices
and ignorance - and in your own case and that of your bootlicker the k=
mqw, that cttc se, viciousness.
But, fools do have their day, and they use the poverty and ignorance
of the worse-off among the population to rise to postion of eminence
by exciting envy,
ridiculing morality as that prevents grab, upping mediocrity and
materialism, etc. =A0Problem with such fools is that when they win, th=
start killing off each other.
It sucks to be such fools, but they don't realise it, being such
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Sending this to alt.philosophy to initiate a discussion on the basics
of folly - this should be an useful exercise, as fools do rule these
A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science
into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence
University education. - George Bernard Shaw.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
(Modify as you wish. - JM)
yes, when fools get degrees and become professors as they can perform
no other paying "activity" they become dangerous indeed.
Many fools are awarded the same degree that smart people
earn. This says a lot about the education system.
The bad thing is when they use their degree as a free meal ticket for
life, as opposed to using their brains and limbs. Worse is when they
steal the credit
from those who work under them. Worst is when they expect the world
to lick their feet, as they are PhDs and the stupid world actually
does that.
Ah, Bozo Banaljee has PhD envy and some credit sharing issues. Did
_anyone_ stop you from joining some Aussie univ to get that "advanced
degree"? Or did you simply assume that the famed "IIT degree" was
advanced enough to get you the "free meal ticket"? Since you are not
into "free meals," and would much rather exercise your brain and limbs
(all four presumably), why did you chase after that "advanced IIT
degree"? Life in a commune would have been good, no?
Einsteinian and Gandian fools handing each other PhDs, has made the
world this evil and stupid. At the highest intellectual level there
is the purest of corruption.
way to look at it is that higher education is attainable
by fools and non-fools alike.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
2012-03-14 13:52:17 UTC
On Mar 14, 1:17 pm, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
yes, when fools get degrees and become professors as they can perform
no other paying "activity" they become dangerous indeed.
Many fools are awarded the same degree that smart people
earn. This says a lot about the education system.
The bad thing is when they use their degree as a free meal ticket for
life, as opposed to using their brains and limbs.  Worse is when they
steal the credit
from those who work under them.  Worst is when they expect the world
to lick their feet, as they are PhDs and the stupid world actually
does that.
Ah, Bozo Banaljee has PhD envy and some credit sharing issues. Did
_anyone_ stop you from joining some Aussie univ to get that "advanced
degree"? Or did you simply assume that the famed "IIT degree" was
advanced enough to get you the "free meal ticket"? Since you are not
into "free meals," and would much rather exercise your brain and limbs
(all four presumably), why did you chase after that "advanced IIT
degree"? Life in a commune would have been good, no?
Einsteinian and Gandian fools handing each other PhDs, has made the
world this evil and stupid.  At the highest intellectual level there
is the purest of corruption.
"Sole God" has now Jai-Monkey-Maharaj with genuine Ph.D. as partner,
so "greatest genius of all times" will not need one from anybody.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
way to look at it is that higher education is attainable
by fools and non-fools alike.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-14 15:02:38 UTC
On Mar 14, 1:17 pm, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
yes, when fools get degrees and become professors as they can perform
no other paying "activity" they become dangerous indeed.
Many fools are awarded the same degree that smart people
earn. This says a lot about the education system.
The bad thing is when they use their degree as a free meal ticket for
life, as opposed to using their brains and limbs. Worse is when they
steal the credit
from those who work under them. Worst is when they expect the world
to lick their feet, as they are PhDs and the stupid world actually
does that.
Ah, Bozo Banaljee has PhD envy and some credit sharing issues. Did
_anyone_ stop you from joining some Aussie univ to get that "advanced
degree"? Or did you simply assume that the famed "IIT degree" was
advanced enough to get you the "free meal ticket"? Since you are not
into "free meals," and would much rather exercise your brain and limbs
(all four presumably), why did you chase after that "advanced IIT
degree"? Life in a commune would have been good, no?
Einsteinian and Gandian fools handing each other PhDs, has made the
world this evil and stupid. At the highest intellectual level there
is the purest of corruption.
"Sole God" has now Jai-Monkey-Maharaj with genuine Ph.D. as partner,
so "greatest genius of all times" will not need one from anybody.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Lady Kaka's "genuine" PhD (from Gorakshak
Mahavidyapeeth, Gorakhpur) on cow caca (the vedic kind, of course) and
its myriad benefits - from delousing to radiation shielding. Yup, that
copy-pasted dung diploma of the "Dr." is good enough for Bozo Banaljee,
another "vedic being" who is completely dumbstruck (due to the lack of
mental capacity) by the opening line of the Rg Veda.

The Hot Air Transmission network apparently does enable the use of
invisble phorce injuns to transmit cow caca from Down Under to the
silver screen. Unfortunately, it does not help transfer matter to
scientific journals, because "the establishment" does not like cow pies
in print?

Funny that these two "divine assouls" [sic] need to be outside India to
"help" India. With "assouls" [sic] like this, India (or even Hindus)
don't need enemies. But, the clowns do make for good entertainment - it
sends Poochie into raptures, at least enough to raise its hind quarters
to wash fire hydrants (Hey, quite like Suwara Paaji. Kuthe gelo?).
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-15 14:09:52 UTC
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
My own conclusion from that thread is that no, Zinnic has
not established any such "error".
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Terrific. Of course he has not established any error, for there can
be no error in deductive logic.
Thank you very much for making this most important point crystal
Cheers, and with best wishes,
Arindam Banerjee
You are welcome.
Aristotelian syllogism is only deductive,
I don't see how that is deductive.
The sun appears to go around the earth, so the earth is still and
everything goes around it - that is Aristotle's theory.
From this it was reasoned that crystal spheres existed around the
earth, and the stars and planets were fixed in those rotating spheres.
Heaven existed beyond the spheres.
This is all inductive logic as everything going by appearances and
closed experience is inductive logic.
Like, if the streets are wet then it must have rained, is inductive
logic. Appearance suggests this.
But, if it rains the uncovered streets must be wet - this is deductive
logic. And infallible once the assumptions are valid.
Thus inductive logic will have it that dolphins have to be fish as
fish apparently and evidently live in seas and waters; in a closed
community inductive logic will have it that there is one true creator
and the rest are false
as evidently eveyone in that community thinks so and to think
otherwise is wrong; inductive logic is the basis for all medicine as
statistics and not deductive logic is used to see the effectiveness...
Deductive logic calls for hard work, to see beyond what is seen and
universally accepted. Galileo paid a heavy price to use deductive
logic to hold that the Earth moves. Einsteinism is nothing but a
throwback to Aristotleism.
Take the nonsense of the expanding universe for instance. One brave
man was burnt to death for holding that the universe is infinite as
indeed the most powerful telescopes show - the universe gets bigger
with bigger sight! But
what do these einsteinian scum do? The universe has to be finite and
expanding. They talk of galaxies going away, redshift, but ignore the
galaxies coming towards us. And indeed if all the galaxies are going
away from us,
which is what they say, they the Earth must be the centre of the
universe. But then they again contradict themselves, by saying that
we are one small part of a galaxy, there is no reason to think the Big
Bang started from where
we exist!
For the einsteinian, a lot of handwaving followed by incomprehensible
maths is sufficient to bamboozle the public and make them keep on
paying them. Falsifying logic, misusing maths, making their god
einstein a media creature primarily, are their tactics. No one can
them, for their top man is an invalid who can't or won't talk to
defend their dogma.
So the defence of dogma is left to goons and thugs, some suave, others
ultra-rude. Fortunately these thugs don't have enough state or
religious sanction to
persecute the Galileos of our time. All they can do is to fool and
rob official science fundings. Nothing more they want, after all.
Sheesh! You are now in the Galileo class? Whatever happened to you being
the third of the "trinity" that included (Fig) Newton, Maxwell (House)?
You don't have one honest goddamn bone in your body, neither do have any
sort of spirit of honest inquiry. You are simply a tiresome prick. FOAD!
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-16 04:46:05 UTC
Perhaps smart robots can be used to run governments;
folly and corruption can be wiped out.
ROTFLMAO! This newsgroup already has third-rate
not-so-smart-but-well-entrenched robots (masquerading as "hindus") who
copy-paste articles 24/7. Folly, corruption, and sheer fraudulence by
the "brave" Hawaiian 'piglet hunting robot' can neither be matched nor
wiped out.
Yes, Dr Isaac Asimov certainly thought so. He certainly has
influenced me most strongly, in my professional work.
Yeah, Asimov managed to blur the difference between science and science
fiction for Arindumb.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-20 05:16:35 UTC
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 E=3D3D 0.5mVVN(N-k)
as Arindam said it applies to the energy of a lighted match.
It applies to all aspects of matter providing energy, non-
Proving it will require doing some experiments, that I outlined long
The corrupt physics establishment does not want them done, they
believe that ignoring and ridiculing me is a better idea instead.
Arindam Banerjee
The ridicule is bringing the necessary buzz to the
project; movie box office certainly depends on it. All
publicity, as they say, is good publicity. The "fan club"
is working for free!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Making use of all that is around, is engineering after all.
Indeed. And therein lies the secret of . . . oops, I don't
want to give it away just yet.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Will your production be titled "Characteristics of a
Pseudoscientist"? If so, the following , paraphrased from Martin
Gardner's "Fads and Fallacies in the name of science" Dover 1957
edition, could be useful.
1. He considers himself a genius.
Valid for Isaac Newton and Galileo> 2. He regards his critics, without exception, as ignorant fools.
3. He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against.
4. He focuses his attacks on great scientists and well- established
ditto (Aristotle, Christian cosmology)> 5. When pressed for answers, he terminates all discussion on the
grounds that he has previously provided detailed answers in earlier
unidentified sources.
It is foolish to waste time upon lying fools.
Further Note: Sir Isaac Newton also did not waste much time upon
liars and fools.
And he was a religious kook.
Hope this helps
It does.
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-20 07:21:18 UTC
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 E=3D3D 0.5mVVN(N-k)
as Arindam said it applies to the energy of a lighted match.
It applies to all aspects of matter providing energy, non-
Proving it will require doing some experiments, that I outlined long
The corrupt physics establishment does not want them done, they
believe that ignoring and ridiculing me is a better idea instead.
Arindam Banerjee
The ridicule is bringing the necessary buzz to the
project; movie box office certainly depends on it. All
publicity, as they say, is good publicity. The "fan club"
is working for free!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Making use of all that is around, is engineering after all.
Indeed. And therein lies the secret of . . . oops, I don't
want to give it away just yet.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Will your production be titled "Characteristics of a
Pseudoscientist"? If so, the following , paraphrased from Martin
Gardner's "Fads and Fallacies in the name of science" Dover 1957
edition, could be useful.
1. He considers himself a genius.
Valid for Isaac Newton and Galileo> 2. He regards his critics, without exception, as ignorant fools.
3. He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against.
4. He focuses his attacks on great scientists and well- established
ditto (Aristotle, Christian cosmology)> 5. When pressed for answers, he terminates all discussion on the
grounds that he has previously provided detailed answers in earlier
unidentified sources.
It is foolish to waste time upon lying fools.
Further Note: Sir Isaac Newton also did not waste much time upon
liars and fools.
Smarting down the centuries, effectively, the einsteinian Hawking in
his silly book tried to pull down the supremely great scientist Isaac
Newton through ridiculous
character assassination.
Fucking moron, science is not about personalities. Save your idol
worship aside and see if you can make _one_ fucking cogent argument.
Hope this helps
It does.
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-21 03:43:32 UTC
Many fools are awarded the same degree that smart people
earn. This says a lot about the education system. Another
way to look at it is that higher education is attainable
by fools and non-fools alike.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Let us assume that you and I are two "smart non-fools"
who earned our doctorates. I feel no need to advertize
my academic bilogical science qualifications on the
Internet and I treat posters as my intellectual equals
until their posts prove otherwise.
Arindam's rants against the 'conspiracies' of "established"
scientists and all who crticise his pseudoscience reflect
egocentric obsession rather than scientific acumen. Apparently
he regards you as a supporter of his 'theories'. Does it
surprise you that he once mistakenly claimed me as one of
his advocates when I admitted to a scientific error and
corrected myself with an appropriate apology?
That is the appropriate and usual behaviour that advances
science but is totally foreign to Arindam's mindset.
In hailing himself as a Messiah and the Saviour of Science
whilst preaching the pseudoscience of E= 0.5mVVN(N-k),
If any of you people actually have PhDs, it shouldn't be too difficult
E= 0.5mVVN(N-k)
as Arindam said it applies to the energy of a lighted match.
All you need are sensitive instruments to measure heat from the match
and weigh the materials, a container to conduct and hold the energy.
Where have you been over the last 200 years. Measurements of the heat
of combustion has never given any indication that explosive
combustion generates a magical "internal force".
E= 0.5mVVN(N-k)
Does not say "internal force" by explosive combustion.
All it defines is "energy".
True, the einsteinian thugs are always out to twist matters. That is
why they are thugs to be ignored. Glad you are finding this out for
I am sure that when the Chinese really take interest, things may
Since 1999 when I first published my new math formula linking mass and
energy namely
I have got nothing but discouragement from the white racists and the
brown bootlicking backstabbing reverse-racists.
Hopefully, the Chinese will give me a fair hearing face to face and
business will ensue.
Heh, having eliminated white and brown, Arindumb is now working on
yellow. How about Africa? No intentions of engaging Africans to sell
your "phormula", or did you eliminate black before white and brown?

After all that "quest for knowledge" (both divine and non), and brag
about self, you did get to the bottom line quickly this time (much
quicker than Lady Kaka) - gimme the money. What a pair of frauds, you
and Lady Kaka. You'll need more that rst007 to peddle your crap in China
- the Chinese gotta see _your_ money first. Good luck conning other people.
Arindam Banerjee
Arindam Banerjee
Arindam's 'say so'
is not evidence. Every example he offers as evidence for his "internal
force" involves input from an external energy source.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-21 03:47:48 UTC
=3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 E=3D3D 0.5mVVN(N-k)
as Arindam said it applies to the energy of a lighted match.
It applies to all aspects of matter providing energy, non-
Proving it will require doing some experiments, that I outlined long
The corrupt physics establishment does not want them done, they
believe that ignoring and ridiculing me is a better idea instead.
Arindam Banerjee
The ridicule is bringing the necessary buzz to the
project; movie box office certainly depends on it. All
publicity, as they say, is good publicity. The "fan club"
is working for free!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Making use of all that is around, is engineering after all.
Indeed. And therein lies the secret of . . . oops, I don't
want to give it away just yet.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Will your production be titled "Characteristics of a
Pseudoscientist"? If so, the following , paraphrased from Martin
Gardner's "Fads and Fallacies in the name of science" Dover 1957
edition, could be useful.
1. He considers himself a genius.
Valid for Isaac Newton and Galileo> 2. He regards his critics, without exception, as ignorant fools.
3. He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against.
4. He focuses his attacks on great scientists and well- established
ditto (Aristotle, Christian cosmology)> 5. When pressed for answers, he terminates all discussion on the
grounds that he has previously provided detailed answers in earlier
unidentified sources.
It is foolish to waste time upon lying fools.
Further Note: Sir Isaac Newton also did not waste much time upon
liars and fools.
Smarting down the centuries, effectively, the einsteinian Hawking in
his silly book tried to pull down the supremely great scientist Isaac
Newton through ridiculous
character assassination.
The envious mediocres have no option but to follow the great, sticking
their noses in their butts. Hating all including themselves for that,
what a miserable
Is your mediocrity (laced with gobs of envy) the reason why you are into
big time idol worship of Newton, Maxwell, Tesla, ... ? Reducing science
to a personality cult is the last resort of pretentious frauds like you.
Go stick you nose up Barty Bow Bow's butt, stupid Bungholey Babu.
Hope this helps
It does.
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-21 08:46:11 UTC
Making use of all that is around, is engineering after all.
Indeed. And therein lies the secret of . . . oops, I don't
want to give it away just yet.
Oh!! come on, Dr. Jai, You have no secret to give away. You are too
hung up on Chinese aggression at the Chinese-Indian border to have
time for anything else.
I think you need to be made aware of Lady Kaka's bravery during the
Sino-Indian war. After having had to go soprano, after an unfortunate
encounter with Sir Stafford Cripps, a really old Lady Kaka fought the
good fight at the Indian border, and according to her, she took POWs. I
kid you not. Check the newsgroup archives. So, a little respect for a
100-yr old veteran of India (Lady Kaka was born before 1857, BTW).
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.