New movie - 'Defend Arindumb!'
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-04 14:14:51 UTC
Absolutely smashing exchange between a fraudulent pair.
It is amusing to think with what alacrity the Keralite PHOs will
reconvert to the most ardent Hinduism (outdoing you, Jai) when the
Supreme Court will allocate the funds to Hindus for Hindu purposes.
Note: PHO =3D Person of Hindu Origin
Follow the money has always been the working principle in India, and
amongst "jyotishis" too. So the bandar Down Under got something right.
Your comment may suggest to some that I converted or reconverted to
Hinduism (I did not because I have always been a Hindu),
Aila! Lady Kaka's roots are really hazy, and it is priceless to hear
that she has "always been a Hindu." This third-rate piece of lying
garbage has singlehandedly managed to tarnish Hinduism with (apparently
two decades of) 24/7 copy-paste denigrating other faiths, wilful
doctoring of original articles, and a complete lack of knowledge of
scripture (and Sanskrit).
I take people at their word, prima facie. If you say you are a Hindu,
you are a Hindu as far as I am concerned, letting bygones be bygones.
It may well be you are something else pretending to be a Hindu, but
since deep down everyone is Hindu mostly unbeknownst it does not
matter to me.
Bangdu exhibits the usual spineless Hindu character of "forgiveness" of
third-rate charlatans.
unless you
are referring to the degree of my devotion to Hindu principles, which
is indeed very high but can always be higher!)
Aila! Lady Kaka has "principles"? If this bitch had any, she'd be in
India working for Hindu causes she claims to espouse. Devotion to Uncle
Sam's greenbacks are about as high in principles Lady Kaka gets.
Point is, in this context that you raised, if you have any latent
superior devotion to other contradictory principles or interests.
But you are correct,
those money-seekers will do anything to get their hands on it. What
about you, and I ask this from the point of view of view as the
author of "Defend Arindam" (working title) -- do you consider
yourself to be a Hindu?
Hat tichya maaila! A "jyotishi" is not a money seeker? When did this
happen? Can't wait for the "Defend Arindumb" book and movie. The book is
likely to be a collection of chapters copy-pasted (very unethically)
from several sources, including the "forwarding" types.
Of course. Born Hindu Bengali Brahmin, though not quite brought up to
be same until my marriage where I had a proper Bengali Brahmin
ceremony. In due course, I threw out practically all modern Hindu
thoughts, and converted by dint of personal exertion and Divine Grace
to the Hinduism prevalent at the time of Kalidasa - the time when
Hindus were all-conquering superior winners and not whining lazy
littering losers as now. My stay in Australia helped greatly in this
This is absolutely priceless stuff from the bandar Down Under. Over the
last three years, your "Hinduism Kalidaasya" has been one long whinge
about people not accepting your icky "fizzicks". Save the
holier-than-thou crap for someone more gullible.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-21 03:35:33 UTC
Yes, and the tigress at Kanha National Park that sauntered a few
feet away from our open jeep.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Sorry Jai. Still haven't got down to that. I am wasting too much time
with the goons, my bad. Thanks for reminding me. I will try to post
some pictures before we leave for Europe next month.
I work with a number of organizations that protect
forests and wildlife in Bharat and elsewhere, so viewing
unique or recent pictures of endangered animals is of
great interest to me. Dhanyavaad.
The problem now with the tigers is that they are endangering
themselves. The males fight and kill each other. I don't know if
there are programs to isolate them, take away the wounded or
potentially young weak male elsewhere.
The males must have heard that you were going to visit (news of a visit
of a "divine soul" does travel fast), and they were trying their best to
get away from the hot air that you were likely to transmit. Survival
instincts must have kicked in big time.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-27 09:08:56 UTC
Whole pile of crap from the newsgroups two "fraudays" deleted.

Kakadevi copy-pastes an article she copy-pasted a decade ago. Poor
fucking dimwit, did not understand the import of the article then, and
does not understand it today either. The astrobunkum bidness makes
Kakadevi consider herself to be some sort of authority (albeit the
copy-paste kind) on cosmology (very different from astrobunkum,
third-rate fraud).

Then Arindumb trots out his usual idiotic magic formula, which Col.
Sanders knew a long time ago and used successfully to fry chickens.
Apparently people who ate them fried chickens developed a whole lot of
internal phorce.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-28 04:46:38 UTC
When the quotays are totally ignored for recognition, funding, etc.
after they have tripped and backstabbed their betters so hard in order
to get
to their cushy states, they do get ratty. Rumpelstiltskinisation of
the quotays, is the most efficient means for their disposal. heh-
heh. So, gotta make them
get rattier and rattier.
Could you please translate this "chimpspeak" into Sanskrit, please? From
Sanskrit Kalidasasya (yeah, per Lady Kaka, the resident Skt. pandita, it
is okay to mix "angrezi" and "deva bhasha") to Rumpelstiltskin. Sheesh!
What a falling there was!

Now a special phrase that I reserve for Poochie (the third idiot from
ITID): "You're a fucking moron, Arindumb."
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-19 03:51:01 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =A0Had I wanted to become a film star or go anywhere
near that line it is far too late now. =A0If I get any role in that
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience?
Gawd! Talk about phoniness. Lady Kaka "recalled" that Arindumb had stage
experience, when the stupid Bandar Down Under has brayed long and hard
about his stage roles in some Kalidasa's play or another, and how he
swept B'deshis off their feet with his ham acting.
I certainly have. We have a production coming up later this year.
Yeah, Dhaka is all abuzz with Arindumb's production of Sheikh Zubair's
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" (likely a Nightmare) in "pure saniskrit".
Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-19 03:58:01 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =3DA0Had I wanted to become a film star or go any=
near that line it is far too late now. =3DA0If I get any role in =
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors are
female. What is it that women know better than men about
matching available talent to the characters in a story? I
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also acted by the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be a novelty.
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film based
upon her. Reports indicate she was furious about that film, as it was
not representative of her and her background. Indeed it showed the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent movie on
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy I mean)
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
More pretence from the original Slumdog (a millionaire, he ain't),
Arindumb. Oy shaanya, tera "jai-ho thingy" bajane ka kya? Teri band to
kab ki baj chuki hai.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't mind how I
am represented. So long as something about my new ideas in physics
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=mcc is bollocks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
So haul your freaking ass to the stars, and take your time getting back.
It will spare the planet more global warming. The lack of entertainment
on this newsgroup is something lots of people will have to live with.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji boiling
in their own plentiful bile.
Heh! You're quite thin-skinned, aren't you? Teri band bajaane mein to
koi badi baat naheen. Woh to muft mein karenge, woh bhi har roz.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-19 04:07:47 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =3DA0Had I wanted to become a film star or go any=
near that line it is far too late now. =3DA0If I get any role in =
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors are
female. What is it that women know better than men about
matching available talent to the characters in a story? I
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also acted by the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be a novelty.
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film based
upon her. Reports indicate she was furious about that film, as it was
not representative of her and her background. Indeed it showed the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent movie on
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy I mean)
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't mind how I
am represented. So long as something about my new ideas in physics
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=mcc is bollocks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji boiling
in their own plentiful bile.
Arindam Banerjee
Are you so obsessed with your "genius" that it blinds you to the fact
that Maharajj is leading you like a lamb to the Slaughter.
How is he doing that? You mean that if the movie is made lots of
people will know about me, and some of them (being racist/bigots/
einsteinian nuts) will want to kill me? I'll take my chances on that.
Anything to get rid of the evil madness emanating from the foul e=mcc,
and unless this mess in physics is cleaned up first we cannot reform
thermodynamics using the technology impacts of my new formula relating
mass and energy non-destructively, that is
e=0.5mVVN(N-k) about which I have written a great, great deal in the
public space (usenet newsgroups, internet) over the last 12 years.
You think that your reel life will translate into gains in your real
life? What a maroon! Lady Kaka makes padre porno movies, and your role
will be limited to spanking your monkey on the silver screen.
It is
pathetic how you gobble up every little tidbit he feeds your ego.
I like chatting with him. We have many similar viewpoints, I now
find. If he does manage to make a movie on me, then maybe I will gain
something which I lost as a result of being unemployable as a result
of his negative propaganda about me. See, in these Big Brother days
employers hire agents to check out new hires, and all they have to do
is to search usenet or internet and when they come up with nasty stuff
about me I have no chance at all. Also, I have been hounded out of
employment, as I do not get along with the einsteinian establishment
viewpoints. They don't like boat-rockers, do they?
Pretentious blithering fuckwit. Ever hear of e-mail to exchange "love
notes" with the Trinidadian doogla? Now the "being hounded out
employment" because of an einsteinian establishment [whatever the fuck
that is] is brand new. Until a couple of years ago, the padre porn
purveyor, Lady Kaka, was allegedly responsible. How come the story
changed today, bloody git?
are already playing the 'Fool' on his stage.
No, I am just talking to him about common interests. He probably
faces as much discrimination as I do, from such einsteinian scum like
the goon squad. So we get along quite nicely. If you don't like what
we have to say you need not follow our discussions.
The _only_ interest Lady Kaka has is copy-paste 24/7. You "share" that
with her as a "common interest." My take is that both of are frauds, and
that is the "commonality".
It is obvious to everyone
that you are falling hook, line and sinker for his bait.
Since I have not parted more than $0.00 of my money to him, what has
he actually caught? Yes, it is very nice to think that someone is
actually writing a screen script about me. Much better that, than the
shameless lies and obfuscations of the totally corrupt and abusive
einsteinians who are not just perfectly useless but really evil and
dangerous, as they impede proper technical progress.
Stop reducing physics to a personality cult, bloody fraud. This branch
of science certainly isn't one, no matter how long and how hard you
holler from the rooftops.
What is in it for him? My guess is that he needs to boost his own ego
by proving to himself that he is smarter than a delusional pseudo
See, we both get along well as we now know what you name-calling
einsteinians actually are.
With best regards to all genuine scientists past and future,
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
books park
2012-04-19 16:17:28 UTC
On Apr 19, 9:07 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =3DA0Had I wanted to become a film star or go any=
near that line it is far too late now. =3DA0If I get any role in =
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors are
female. What is it that women know better than men about
matching available talent to the characters in a story? I
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also acted by the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be a novelty.
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film based
upon her.  Reports indicate she was furious about that film, as it was
not representative of her and her background.  Indeed it showed the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent movie on
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy I mean)
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't mind how I
am represented.  So long as something about my new ideas in physics
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=mcc is bollocks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji boiling
in their own plentiful bile.
Arindam Banerjee
Are you so obsessed with your "genius" that it blinds you to the fact
that Maharajj is leading you  like a lamb to  the Slaughter.
How is he doing that?  You mean that if the movie is made lots of
people will know about me, and some of them (being racist/bigots/
einsteinian nuts) will want to kill me? I'll take my chances on that.
Anything to get rid of the evil madness emanating from the foul e=mcc,
and unless this mess in physics is cleaned up first we cannot reform
thermodynamics using the technology impacts of my new formula relating
mass and energy non-destructively, that is
e=0.5mVVN(N-k) about which I have written a great, great deal in the
public space (usenet newsgroups, internet) over the last 12 years.
You think that your reel life will translate into gains in your real
life? What a maroon! Lady Kaka makes padre porno movies, and your role
will be limited to spanking your monkey on the silver screen.
It is
pathetic how you gobble up every little tidbit he feeds your ego.
I like chatting with him.  We have many similar viewpoints, I now
find.  If he does manage to make a movie on me, then maybe I will gain
something which I lost as a result of being unemployable as a result
of his negative propaganda about me.  See, in these Big Brother days
employers hire agents to check out new hires, and all they have to do
is to search usenet or internet and when they come up with nasty stuff
about me I have no chance at all.  Also, I have been hounded out of
employment, as I do not get along with the einsteinian establishment
viewpoints.  They don't like boat-rockers, do they?
Pretentious blithering fuckwit. Ever hear of e-mail to exchange "love
notes" with the Trinidadian doogla? Now the "being hounded out
employment" because of an einsteinian establishment [whatever the fuck
that is] is brand new. Until a couple of years ago, the padre porn
purveyor, Lady Kaka, was allegedly responsible. How come the story
changed today, bloody git?
are already playing the 'Fool' on his stage.
No, I am just talking to him about common interests.  He probably
faces as much discrimination as I do, from such einsteinian scum like
the goon squad.  So we get along quite nicely. If you don't like what
we have to say you need not follow our discussions.
The _only_ interest Lady Kaka has is copy-paste 24/7. You "share" that
with her as a "common interest." My take is that both of are frauds, and
that is the "commonality".
It is obvious to everyone
that you are falling hook, line and sinker for his bait.
Since I have not parted more than $0.00 of my money to him, what has
he actually caught?  Yes, it is very nice to think that someone is
actually writing a screen script about me.  Much better that, than the
shameless lies and obfuscations of the totally corrupt and abusive
einsteinians who are not just perfectly useless but really evil and
dangerous, as they impede proper technical progress.
Stop reducing physics to a personality cult, bloody fraud. This branch
of science certainly isn't one, no matter how long and how hard you
holler from the rooftops.
What is in it for him? My guess is that he needs to boost his own ego
by proving to himself that he is smarter than a delusional pseudo
See, we both get along well as we now know what you name-calling
einsteinians actually are.
With best regards to all genuine scientists past and future,
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 03:51:43 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =3DA0Had I wanted to become a film star or go any=
near that line it is far too late now. =3DA0If I get any role in =
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors are
female. What is it that women know better than men about
matching available talent to the characters in a story? I
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also acted by the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be a novelty.
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film based
upon her. Reports indicate she was furious about that film, as it was
not representative of her and her background. Indeed it showed the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent movie on
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy I mean)
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't mind how I
am represented. So long as something about my new ideas in physics
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=mcc is bollocks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji boiling
in their own plentiful bile.
Arindam Banerjee
Are you so obsessed with your "genius" that it blinds you to the fact
that Maharajj is leading you like a lamb to the Slaughter.
How is he doing that? You mean that if the movie is made lots of
people will know about me, and some of them (being racist/bigots/
einsteinian nuts) will want to kill me? I'll take my chances on that.
Anything to get rid of the evil madness emanating from the foul e=mcc,
and unless this mess in physics is cleaned up first we cannot reform
thermodynamics using the technology impacts of my new formula relating
mass and energy non-destructively, that is
e=0.5mVVN(N-k) about which I have written a great, great deal in the
public space (usenet newsgroups, internet) over the last 12 years.
It is
pathetic how you gobble up every little tidbit he feeds your ego.
I like chatting with him. We have many similar viewpoints, I now
find. If he does manage to make a movie on me, then maybe I will gain
something which I lost as a result of being unemployable as a result
of his negative propaganda about me. See, in these Big Brother days
employers hire agents to check out new hires, and all they have to do
is to search usenet or internet and when they come up with nasty stuff
about me I have no chance at all. Also, I have been hounded out of
employment, as I do not get along with the einsteinian establishment
viewpoints. They don't like boat-rockers, do they?
are already playing the 'Fool' on his stage.
No, I am just talking to him about common interests. He probably
faces as much discrimination as I do, from such einsteinian scum like
the goon squad. So we get along quite nicely. If you don't like what
we have to say you need not follow our discussions.
It is obvious to everyone
that you are falling hook, line and sinker for his bait.
Since I have not parted more than $0.00 of my money to him, what has
he actually caught? Yes, it is very nice to think that someone is
actually writing a screen script about me. Much better that, than the
shameless lies and obfuscations of the totally corrupt and abusive
einsteinians who are not just perfectly useless but really evil and
dangerous, as they impede proper technical progress.
What is in it for him? My guess is that he needs to boost his own ego
by proving to himself that he is smarter than a delusional pseudo
See, we both get along well as we now know what you name-calling
einsteinians actually are.
Heh-heh, with the opposition reduced to babbling nonsense and spouting
low abuse on the one hand (Joshiji, quotay), when not engaged in
evasions and obfuscations
on the other (Zinnic), my points are validated to the broad-minded
Name two people in the "broad-minded public" who've validated your
points, fuckwit. Heh-heh, the senile geezer rst007 does not count.
Mainly, that research needs to be done in the new areas of
physics and technology
that I have proposed following the discovery of my new equation
linking mass and energy, which is boosted by also finding the bungle
in the e=mcc derivation.
Sheesh! "Research needs to be done in the new areas of physics and
technology" is vapid, vacuous, content-free, absolutely generic...
The addendum "I have proposed by the (alleged) discovery of my new
equation..." is purely self-serving. Bugger off, wanker.
Of course, racism and bigotry on one hand, and boot-licking reverse-
racism on the other, will impede progress but that can only be
temporary. Fortunately there
are still some left with courage and determination, to follow up on my
Ah, the coward's way out to invoke racism (forward or reverse).
Third-rate bastard, your "physics" is pure bullshit, and your peers have
said that to you repeatedly.

If you still think you are right, the only choice you have right now is
to shut the fuck up and get the job done. However, lazy ass bloody
fraud, you'd much rather whinge here 24/7 and do absolutely nothing.
With best regards to all genuine scientists past and future,
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 03:59:08 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefully Hollywood are
trying to make. =3DA0Had I wanted to become a film star or go any=
near that line it is far too late now. =3DA0If I get any role in =
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though.
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors are
female. What is it that women know better than men about
matching available talent to the characters in a story? I
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also acted by the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be a novelty.
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film based
upon her. Reports indicate she was furious about that film, as it was
not representative of her and her background. Indeed it showed the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent movie on
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy I mean)
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't mind how I
am represented. So long as something about my new ideas in physics
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=mcc is bollocks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji boiling
in their own plentiful bile.
Heh-heh, these goons are really getting desperate, jumping up and
down, and making a bigger racket than hungry howler monkeys!
Saying that these goons are just after promotions/inclusions/pats/etc.
from their racist/bigoted atheist/christian white masters has touched
a raw nerve.
Shrill reverse-racism, abuse, more backstabbing, etc. are what these
brown-nosed brown-nosers can do, and what they do do.
Funny, in a way.
Arindam Banerjee
The only goons here are you and the fucking plagiarist Lady Kaka. You
two squeal like stuck pigs (kinda like the l'il porkers that Lady Kaka
sticks for her luaus).
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 04:03:33 UTC
Yes these people are driven by envy (also by hate), but
their hostility (the goon squad has published death
threats already) does provide a few ideas for the
antagonist characters in the movie.
Priceless! I don't know of anyone who is envious of this fraudulent
pusbag, Lady Kaka. For a bilious piece of shit that proudly claims to
have spammed the Usenet for two decade with hateful crap about Hindus,
Muslims, Catholics, ... It is particularly rich that this paranoid dyke
thinks accuses others of hate. Heh, what goes around, comes around.

As for "death threats", this is abs. bullshit. Nobody in his/her right
mind would want to come near this clap-ridden piece of human garbage,
let alone touch it.
I suppose, that is the best use for the negative people around. The
purpose for their existence, what!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 04:11:27 UTC
(The author, an IIT alumnus [IIT degree obtained by fraud according
to his own confession. - JM], worked with Bharat Electronics,
Ghaziabad, for 11 years, moved to Telstra Research Labs, Melbourne,
in 1989. He can be contacted on e-mail . This is an abridged version,
full text...)
More at:http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?220728#comments
Lines that the subhuman clap-ridden troll copy-pasted years ago, and
line that you seemed to have glossed over, Arindumb. Didn't realize that
the Divine Being's Divine Degrees were obtained by fraud. Is this an
IITD thing? Lady Kaka too got some degree from there for producing no
more than cowdung.
Thanks for reposting this article. Yes, this was the original article
in print, in the science section of Outlook India in July 2003, that
was read by many.
Ooooh, impressive! Now if only real physicists send their scholarly
articles to Outlook India...
In Usenet I had presented the work in around 1999,
and in 2000 wrote the book "To the Stars!" which was on Internet for
many years.
Since then, I have found out exactly how e=mcc is wrong (in 2005 I
wrote a paper on that), and found out what could be good practical
ways of making IFEs.
And the paper was returned with the pages gummed together, and labeled
"For toilet use in an Emergency"?
I did not think that I would get as much opposition and abuse as I
have received, when I wrote that paper.
Nobody would have given your "publication" a second look until you
sauntered over to abuse all and sundry with your crap. Sheesh! You are a
complete moron, even more dimwitted than "fanabba" - Lady Kaka's pooch.
But, life goes on.
Thanks again, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-04-20 04:49:16 UTC
On Apr 20, 5:11 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
(The author, an IIT alumnus [IIT degree obtained by fraud according
to his own confession. - JM], worked with Bharat Electronics,
Ghaziabad, for 11 years, moved to Telstra Research Labs, Melbourne,
in 1989. He can be contacted on e-mail . This is an abridged version,
full text...)
More at:http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?220728#comments
Lines that the subhuman clap-ridden troll copy-pasted years ago, and
line that you seemed to have glossed over, Arindumb. Didn't realize that
the Divine Being's Divine Degrees were obtained by fraud. Is this an
IITD thing? Lady Kaka too got some degree from there for producing no
more than cowdung.
Bandicoot, Chachoondar cannot see.

Monkey has been paying glowin tribute to Adridam long before 2003.

Check out one on it posted aloso on sci.physics

Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Thanks for reposting this article.  Yes, this was the original article
in print, in the science section of Outlook India in July 2003, that
was read by many.
Ooooh, impressive! Now if only real physicists send their scholarly
articles to Outlook India...
In Usenet I had presented the work in around 1999,
and in 2000 wrote the book "To the Stars!" which was on Internet for
many years.
Since then, I have found out exactly how e=mcc is wrong (in 2005 I
wrote a paper on that), and found out what could be good practical
ways of making IFEs.
And the paper was returned with the pages gummed together, and labeled
"For toilet use in an Emergency"?
I did not think that I would get as much opposition and abuse as I
have received, when I wrote that paper.
Nobody would have given your "publication" a second look until you
sauntered over to abuse all and sundry with your crap. Sheesh! You are a
complete moron, even more dimwitted than "fanabba" - Lady Kaka's pooch.
But, life goes on.
Thanks again, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 05:34:34 UTC
On Apr 20, 5:11 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
(The author, an IIT alumnus [IIT degree obtained by fraud according
to his own confession. - JM], worked with Bharat Electronics,
Ghaziabad, for 11 years, moved to Telstra Research Labs, Melbourne,
in 1989. He can be contacted on e-mail . This is an abridged version,
full text...)
More at:http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?220728#comments
Lines that the subhuman clap-ridden troll copy-pasted years ago, and
line that you seemed to have glossed over, Arindumb. Didn't realize that
the Divine Being's Divine Degrees were obtained by fraud. Is this an
IITD thing? Lady Kaka too got some degree from there for producing no
more than cowdung.
Bandicoot, Chachoondar cannot see.
Monkey has been paying glowin tribute to Adridam long before 2003.
Check out one on it posted aloso on sci.physics
Uh, oh! The bandar was downright nasty to the chachoondar Down Under.
This has the makings of several stories from the "Punchtuntr" (pure
"saniskrit" for Macaulay's mutts). There is "mitr-bhed", "mitr=laabh",
my favorite, "kaakolookeey" (strangley Lady Kaka=ish), "labdhpranaash",

We have gone through tuntrs 1, 2, and 3. Tuntr 4 is now playing itself
out. The last one awaits while the bandar courts the chachoondar.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 04:37:06 UTC
. . .
Stupid quotay, the movie is what Jai and hopefu=
lly =3D
Hollywood are
trying to make. =3D3D3DA0Had I wanted to become=
a fil=3D
m star or go any=3D3D
near that line it is far too late now. =3D3D3DA=
0If I =3D
get any role in =3D3D
movie, I won't dream of turning it down, though=
. . .
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
so let us see...!
One shall indeed. Do I correctly recall that you have
stage acting experience? Directors, hence casting
directors, respect such no-second-takes experience.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
As you may know, I might add, most casting directors ar=
female. What is it that women know better than men abou=
matching available talent to the characters in a story?=
have heard many explanations, do you have one?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, if the main character of the movie is also act=
ed b=3D
y the
real-life person upon whom the movie is based, it will be=
a n=3D
It would be interesting to compile a list of such films,
even if the real-life protagonist appears in a cameo
role. Documentaries wouldn't be included, of course.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Hitchcock did cameo roles in his films.
It would have been nice if Phoolan Devi had acted in the film=
upon her. =3DA0Reports indicate she was furious about that fi=
lm, as=3D
=A0it was
not representative of her and her background. =3DA0Indeed it =
=A0the MP
locals in a very bad light, just as that much-hyped recent mo=
vie =3D
Bombay (can't remember what it was called, the Jai-Ho thingy =
I me=3D
showed Bombayites in a poor light.
Me, I am a tolerant person, and being a sorta actor don't min=
d ho=3D
w I
am represented. =3DA0So long as something about my new ideas =
in phy=3D
come across to the vast public, indicating that e=3D3Dmcc is =
ks and
leads us to deep outer space to the stars, I am satisfied.
In the meantime, nice to see the goon squad headed by joshiji=
in their own plentiful bile.
Heh-heh, these goons are really getting desperate, jumping up a=
down, and making a bigger racket than hungry howler monkeys!
Saying that these goons are just after promotions/inclusions/pa=
from their racist/bigoted atheist/christian white masters has t=
a raw nerve.
Shrill reverse-racism, abuse, more backstabbing, etc. are what =
brown-nosed brown-nosers can do, and what they do do.
Funny, in a way.
These rascals are most annoyed by references to theism, and its d=
impact upon the person, his life, and those around him.
Getting rid of God puts some unscrupulous men in top power instea=
d, s=3D
dictators of the leftwing sort have great antipathy for anything
The k-mqw, the cttc se, is essentially a useless parasite, depend=
upon bullying tactics to prey upon those who are ready to give in=
his abuse.
When treated with contempt, all his internals belch out noxious s=
Now, what to do with such useless parasites? It is quite the cultur=
When in India a few months ago, I found deep despondence among the
good people.
The main complaint was, these guys all want jobs, but will not do a=
Very quotay-type attitude!
To rise such that one may never have to do work, just bully instead=
abuse is a good tactic. =3DA0Chaps are cowed down, think you have s=
ome bi=3D
boss behind you, so give in. =3DA0When scum like the quotay reach h=
positions, they think they have made it on their own merit and dese=
adulation from everyone. =3DA0But their abusive nature does not cha=
nge, i=3D
turns swiftly towards corruption.
Well, the Chinese know what to do about these rascals. =3DA0Abolish a=
caste and class, shoot the corrupts, etc. =3DA0No wonder the quotays =
their pants at the very
thought of Maoism.
Me, I deeply admire the Dutch, after staying in their land of their
creation. =3DA0What they have done, we overpopulated lot, in Bengal a=
least, must seek to emulate.
There has to be something good about monarchy. =3DA0Netherlands has a
monarchy, though they also made very good progress when they were
India's greatest days were in the days of absolute monarchy. =3DA0Not=
like a great, noble, self-sacrificing ruler who is mother and father
to his adoring subjects.
Envy is the chief motivation of the quotays and their followers, and
poverty their greatest ally. =A0Anything that really goes against
relieving people from poverty will
diminish their hold. =A0So, their main task is to support all schemes
that perpetuate poverty. =A0Cutting down new ideas that will help, is
one important method.
Rather sick, these people, but one cannot deny a certain logic in
their thought processes that are directly purely for their own
aggrandisement. =A0Like those who vote for or support the known
corrupts, as the corrupts will have the loot public money to give
them, unlike honest people.
Arindam Banerjee
Yes these people are driven by envy (also by hate), but
their hostility (the goon squad has published death
threats already) does provide a few ideas for the
antagonist characters in the movie.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, that is the best use for the negative people around. The
purpose for their existence, what!
Everyone and everything has use, and it can indeed be
said that they exist for that utilization.
If you match them with the established villains on the big screen,
1. Joshiji has a match with Jeevan
2. Quotay, now, is a very volube foul mouthed prick and while no
villain I know on screen can be as foul mothed as he,
Ranjit and Prem Chopra with more filthy language can do the job.
There could be a Jeetendra to give me the treatment on the "jaise to
taisa mila" line.
However, whipping while singing may be too new for US audiences, so
implementing that could be dicey.
3. The Aged Pervert Bholu is a bit like Ajeet, though with lot less
Here is your first song from the movie Lady Kaka is copy-pasting from

Kya bansuri bajata re bandar. "Aankhen" hai to dekh le bangdu.

Another "love song and dance" from the same movie.

And one that captures the "pheeling" of dehati types like you coming to
Bombay for the "phirst" time

I am afraid that none in the goon squad can make it to the level of
Pran or Sanjay Dutt (terrific in Agnipath).
Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-04-20 05:35:00 UTC
On Apr 20, 5:37 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Envy is the chief motivation of the quotays and their followers, and
poverty their greatest ally. =A0Anything that really goes against
relieving people from poverty will
diminish their hold. =A0So, their main task is to support all schemes
that perpetuate poverty. =A0Cutting down new ideas that will help, is
one important method.
Rather sick, these people, but one cannot deny a certain logic in
their thought processes that are directly purely for their own
aggrandisement. =A0Like those who vote for or support the known
corrupts, as the corrupts will have the loot public money to give
them, unlike honest people.
Arindam Banerjee
Yes these people are driven by envy (also by hate), but
their hostility (the goon squad has published death
threats already) does provide a few ideas for the
antagonist characters in the movie.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I suppose, that is the best use for the negative people around.  The
purpose for their existence, what!
Everyone and everything has use, and it can indeed be
said that they exist for that utilization.
If you match them with the established villains on the big screen,
1. Joshiji has a match with Jeevan
2. Quotay, now, is a very volube foul mouthed prick and while no
villain I know on screen can be as foul mothed as he,
Ranjit and Prem Chopra with more filthy language can do the job.
There could be a Jeetendra to give me the treatment on the "jaise to
taisa mila" line.
However, whipping while singing may be too new for US audiences, so
implementing that could be dicey.
3. The Aged Pervert Bholu is a bit like Ajeet, though with lot less
Here is your first song from the movie Lady Kaka is copy-pasting from
Kya bansuri bajata re bandar. "Aankhen" hai to dekh le bangdu.
Another "love song and dance" from the same movie.
And one that captures the "pheeling" of dehati types like you coming to
Bombay for the "phirst" time
And of course Monkey wants the award for it script.

BTW was there a talk about Bandit Queen going to Oscar ?

Shekhat Kapur though did get associated with Oscar.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-20 07:17:49 UTC
Can anyone really meet or beat Pran's villainy on the
Yup, a clap-ridden old doogla cow, who doctors copy-paste claptrap while
professing to be a "real Hindu" (not just a Hindu), can surely top that.
Ashok Kumar as villain was the nearest match, in my opinion.
But Sanjay Dutt takes villainy to an entirely new, horrid, level in
Agnipath. Rishi Kapoor looks like a trier, in comparison.
He got a rousing reception from the audience at the Rajmandir in
Jaipur, when he on-screened.
Yeah, the Divine Lecher (formerly the Divine Thespian) went to see
Sanjay Dutt's villainy in Agneepath (not Agnipath, halfwitted wanker)
and not "Chikni Chameli". I've got a bridge for sale.
It's too bad that a cancer stick had to be his
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-04-20 08:37:18 UTC
On Apr 20, 8:17 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Can anyone really meet or beat Pran's villainy on the
Yup, a clap-ridden old doogla cow, who doctors copy-paste claptrap while
professing to be a "real Hindu" (not just a Hindu), can surely top that.
Ashok Kumar as villain was the nearest match, in my opinion.
But Sanjay Dutt takes villainy to an entirely new, horrid, level in
Agnipath. Rishi Kapoor looks like a trier, in comparison.
He got a rousing reception from the audience at the Rajmandir in
Jaipur, when he on-screened.
Yeah, the Divine Lecher (formerly the Divine Thespian) went to see
Sanjay Dutt's villainy in Agneepath (not Agnipath, halfwitted wanker)
and not "Chikni Chameli". I've got a bridge for sale.
  It's too bad that a cancer stick had to be his
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Arindam Banerjee
2012-04-20 09:44:21 UTC
Keep it up, Joshiji. Thanks for your continued malevolent interest,
hopefully it will boost sales!

Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
2012-04-20 10:01:45 UTC
Keep it up, Joshiji.  Thanks for your continued malevolent interest,
hopefully it will boost sales!
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Arindam Banerjee
2012-04-20 10:12:43 UTC
Post by DMJoshi
Keep it up, Joshiji.  Thanks for your continued malevolent interest,
hopefully it will boost sales!
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Only the beginning, Joshiji, what you say. Someone's gotta do
something to pay off the USA's debt, what? Who else but me, the
author of my only published article "A new method for partial-
match retrievals" back in 1987. A trillion, is a small starter, for
that. But, it will do for now.

Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-21 05:48:42 UTC
This movie project formally began many years ago when I
posted the following article by Arindam Banerjee from
Newt Is Old Hat
An Indian researcher challenges the First Law of Motion and unveils a
blueprint for perpetual motion machines
By Arindam Banerjee
Outlook Magazine
July 14, 2003
"What are you up to this time?" a friend asked me enthusiastically.
He was referring to the recent articles in newspapers announcing that
an Indian had challenged Newton's First Law of Motion. I explained my
ideas to him as best I could, dwelling on the issue that if my
mathematical derivation for unlimited energy -- and the thought
structure underlying it -- had been published two centuries ago, the
history of the world could have been quite different. If my theories
are proved right, with experiment, we could have unlimited energy
without needing to burn fossil fuel or radioactivity, and travel to
the stars, within 10-50 years.
I had first presented them to the world via the Usenet in January
2000, and had published my book To the Stars! on our 'adda' family
website in September 2000. To my great relief, no one ever accused me
of lack of originality! Lively exchanges with those interested -- all
around the world -- led to no conclusion about the correctness of my
ideas, save that further work was required to prove them. I agreed
heartily. I was, however, truly on my own. At that stage (around May
2001), my parents came for a visit and my father was keenly
appreciative of my work, understanding its potential. He undertook to
give my ideas publicity. Personally, I was hesitant to approach the
media before doing the proper experiments but my father pointed out
that as things were, I could never realise the resources to prove my
ideas conclusively one way or the other. I realised his success when
phone calls came from unknown people, congratulating me.
"Whatever led you to start thinking this way?," was the first
question. The heavenly bodies, of course! How could we get there?
Conventional ideas in physics force us upon this planet, forever.
Biochemist-turned-science fiction writer Isaac Asimov deemed it so --
it is impossible to construct a rocket ship to the stars (the fuel
tank would have to be much larger than the earth!). Further,
Einstein's assumptions underlying his Special Theory of Relativity,
which gave the world the famous equation e=3Dmc2, forbade it -- the
mass of any body approaching the speed of light would become near-
infinite, and thus incapable of further acceleration.
That seemed unfair to me. Why should the stars exist only to
tantalise us? There had to be a way to go there. Why couldn't we? Any
number of science fiction movies and novels showed flying saucers.
Our own Ramayana describes the vimaan, so the concept of pollution-
less travel without rockets is certainly there in the public's
imagination. So, why was there never any serious effort made to
actually make or even theorise about the possible technology of
Newton's first law of motion (a body stays at rest or travels at a
constant speed in a straight line with respect to an initial
reference unless affected by an external force) does not support the
existence of vimaans, as vimaans can accelerate without external
force. So its functioning cannot but disprove the First Law -- which
in turn revises many others dear to physicists. Newton's third law of
motion (to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction)
seems to make any internal activity ultimately futile. For, any force
generated completely within a body (internal force, let us say) has
an equal and opposite counterpart.
Thus, overall, there will be cancellation of forces and the body
simply cannot move, unless an external force is applied. So, no
object can move with internal force -- hence, vimaans or flying
saucers can reside solely within the imagination. Let us assume, for
argument's sake, that Newton's First Law is wrong -- that is, a body
can move using its internal force, generated by expenditure of its
internal energy, and clever engineering processes. Then the
consequences become very interesting. If the body increases its
velocity 'v' as a result of an internally induced acceleration 'a'
over a time period 't', then no matter what its initial velocity
(with respect to any initial reference), its final speed will be that
initial velocity plus 'v'.
Thus, if v=3D20 km/hr, the same amount of internal energy has to be
spent to raise the speed from say 100 km/hr to 120 km/hr, as to raise
the speed from 1,000 km/hr to 1020 km/hr.
Consider a body on a frictionless surface. You are in a vehicle
beside it, and you want to move the body at the same speed as your
vehicle. You give a push, and the body accelerates till it reaches
say 10 km/hr and then keeps on sliding. You speed your vehicle to 10
km/hr, and then give the body a push using the same force as earlier.
The body then reaches 20 km/hr and you speed up your vehicle
correspondingly for the next push.
So, with the same expenditure of energy every time, you can push the
body to as high a speed as you can reach with your vehicle. The
forces exerted here were external to the body, but they could have
been internal and generated by internal energy, by our assumption of
Newton's first law being wrong.
Let the percentage of internal energy 'E' converted to kinetic energy
be 'k' (k is less than 1), so kE =3D 0.5mvv, where 'm' is the mass of
the body and 'v' the increase in speed over time 't'. In time, T,
where T =3D Nt, the internal energy required to speed the mass to the
speed Nv will be EN, while the kinetic energy of the body, with
reference to the initial reference (where v was 0) will be
0.5m(Nv)(Nv). Now EN =3D 0.5mvvN/k, so the maximum extra free energy,
with reference to the initial reference, that can be obtained will be
0.5mvvN (N - 1/k). Note that N can be as high as design
considerations will permit. Let some engineering device convert as
much of the body's kinetic energy as possible to, say, electrical
energy, and then use a fraction for its effective internal energy.
The balance electrical energy is up for consumption.
We thus have a generator that produces power indefinitely without
needing any external source. This apparently breaks the law of
conservation of energy, but actually reduces it to a special case,
applicable where "velocity addition" effects as described earlier do
not occur. When such a generator is used to drive a vehicle using
internal force, we have a spaceship to the stars. (And an explanation
for the internal energy naturally emitted by the stars, and
artificially from N-bombs?) A constant acceleration of g, or nearly
10 m/sec/sec, would let it reach light speed in a year, twice light
speed in two years.
After that, it would turn around to face the earth, and then keep on
"accelerating" towards the earth, effectively decelerating towards
the star. So it looks like a return trip could take 10 years, using
purely Newtonian mechanics, and ignoring any possible consequences of
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. In any case, such a vehicle
could go on land, on sea, in water, in air, as well as space. Its
engine could give energy anywhere, and thus, truly open the universe
to mankind.
That's all very well, a physicist would say, but what about Newton's
first law of motion? Let's see how we can shake it up, before we find
ways to break it. Consider a closed box in outer space. An
electrically powered robot starts accelerating from one end till it
reaches around the middle of the box, then it decelerates to a stop
at the other end of it. As it accelerates, it pushes the box in a
direction opposite to its travel, and so the box also accelerates.
When the robot decelerates, the box also decelerates, and comes to a
stop. To an external observer, the box has certainly moved without
any external force, and so Newton's First Law has at least been
shaken. If the robot had continued to accelerate and banged against
the other side, that impact would have brought the box to a sudden
stop. If it had gone straight through, the box would keep on moving,
behaving like a rocket expelling mass.
Suppose through some engineering means, we make the robot just about
to hit the rear side of the box transfer most of its kinetic energy
to another robot stationed at the rear side. The second robot thus
moves with the same velocity along the box and hits the front side,
thereby transferring its kinetic energy to the whole box, making it
attain a higher velocity. This may look impossible, but let us not
forget that unlike force, energy is a scalar quantity with no sense
of direction, and can change its form.
In my book, To the Stars!, I have envisioned the above approaches in
detail, using currents in electromagnets to accelerate a mass, and a
hydraulic system to transfer the energy of the mass, from one to the
other going in the opposite direction. Probably a simpler method,
using two balanced masses connected rigidly, and involving "energy
reversal" with angular momentum, may be found more suitable.
I believe there is a pressing need for experimentation in this vital
area. We should not take things for granted, blindly following the
accepted laws of physics and conclude from such ancient theory alone
that all internal activity in a closed space must necessarily
dissipate into heat, as opposed to overall motion. The fate of
mankind, and the health of this world, depends upon the favourable
outcome of such experiments.
(The author, an IIT alumnus [IIT degree obtained by fraud according
to his own confession. - JM], worked with Bharat Electronics,
Ghaziabad, for 11 years, moved to Telstra Research Labs, Melbourne,
in 1989. He can be contacted on e-mail . This is an abridged version,
full text...)
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
o o o
"Myself, Mallu. Yourself?" (V. Bhattathiri)
telling others what and when to post, where to post and
where not to post, deliberately publishing lies about
others, stalking and abusing them with hate speech -- but
fails miserably. He is really stressed out, and like his
lap dog Prem Thomas (who currently posts as "P. Rajah"
is priming himself for conditions such as stroke and
heart disease. Others in the Goon Squad include
displays unquestioning obedience to Goon Squad thugs, and
The Goon Squad currently posts most of their abuse
through eternal-september.org and by writing someone
else's name or handle in the "From:" header -- their
and "gmail.com") to make it appear as if the posts are
many years. -Updated on February 2, 2012-
Thanks for reposting this article. Yes, this was the original article
in print, in the science section of Outlook India in July 2003, that
was read by many. In Usenet I had presented the work in around 1999,
and in 2000 wrote the book "To the Stars!" which was on Internet for
many years.
That book is still accessible.
Since then, I have found out exactly how e=3Dmcc is wrong (in 2005 I
wrote a paper on that), and found out what could be good practical
ways of making IFEs.
I did not think that I would get as much opposition and abuse as I
have received, when I wrote that paper.
But, life goes on.
Thanks again, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
You are welcome.
"Chase the protagonist up a tree, throw rocks at the
tree, and set the tree on fire" is an axiomatic
ingredient of the three-act structure. I have tried to
stay true to it in the timeline of my posts about you and
the pages of my screenplay.
Great, the sympathy from the public is highly required.
Unfortunately, no money!!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-21 16:28:41 UTC
They are disintegrating, disbanding, dispersing,
diminishing. . . dying, and some of them have already
So much for the "Hinduness" of the clap-ridden monkey, Lady Kaka. After
pissing and moaning about imaginary "death threats" (mostly to play the
"victim card"), here is this priceless piece of crap wishing death unto
others. Yeah, this doogla mutt from Trinidad cannot make up its mind.
Not fast enough, though.
Unfortunately the right-wing has too many stupid racists in its
Ah, another "asli Hindu" wishing death upon others. Luverly bunch! No
different than rabid jihadis and crusaders.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-21 16:40:58 UTC
There is no point in wasting time upon the goons and other dishonest
crooks, including the einsteinian pseudo-scientists.
Time is money after all so by ignoring these thugs I save money.
Arindam Banerjee
Bollocks! What money are you saving by conversing with the clap-ridden
dyke and fraudster, Lady Kaka? This piece of shit is leading you down
the garden path, and a blinkered numskull like you cannot see it. Not a
problem for me.

Now, if only you dropped the charade of being a "scientist", it would
help matters. If I were you, I would ignore the entire world, go back to
see what peer opinion I got, and either refine the work or admit the
error and start afresh. Unfortunately, you are not me. Seems to me that
you have no interest in your work. You merely need an outlet for your
NPD (which causes you to blow hot air here 24/7). Seek medical help.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-04-21 22:40:08 UTC
On Apr 21, 11:40 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
There is no point in wasting time upon the goons and other dishonest
crooks, including the einsteinian pseudo-scientists.
Time is money after all so by ignoring these thugs I save money.
Arindam Banerjee
Bollocks! What money are you saving by conversing with the clap-ridden
dyke and fraudster, Lady Kaka? This piece of shit is leading you down
the garden path, and a blinkered numskull like you cannot see it. Not a
problem for me.
Now, if only you dropped the charade of being a "scientist", it would
help matters. If I were you, I would ignore the entire world, go back to
see what peer opinion I got, and either refine the work or admit the
error and start afresh. Unfortunately, you are not me. Seems to me that
you have no interest in your work. You merely need an outlet for your
NPD (which causes you to blow hot air here 24/7). Seek medical help.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Narcissism Personalty Disorder (NPD) ?. Great diagnosis--it fits
Arindam perfectly. As you say, he has no interest in Science per se
nor in a critical discussion of his unscienific speculations. He is so
enamored by his delusion that his pseudoscientific claims rank him
among the giants of real Science, that nothing on Earth will convince
him otherwise.
He will never learn and is condemned to be the plaything of
Maharaj and his/her ilk. It is good that in his case, ignorance will
remain bliss!
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Arindam Banerjee
2012-04-22 00:57:45 UTC
Post by Zinnic
On Apr 21, 11:40 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
There is no point in wasting time upon the goons and other dishonest
crooks, including the einsteinian pseudo-scientists.
Time is money after all so by ignoring these thugs I save money.
Arindam Banerjee
Bollocks! What money are you saving by conversing with the clap-ridden
dyke and fraudster, Lady Kaka? This piece of shit is leading you down
the garden path, and a blinkered numskull like you cannot see it. Not a
problem for me.
Now, if only you dropped the charade of being a "scientist", it would
help matters. If I were you, I would ignore the entire world, go back to
see what peer opinion I got, and either refine the work or admit the
error and start afresh. Unfortunately, you are not me. Seems to me that
you have no interest in your work. You merely need an outlet for your
NPD (which causes you to blow hot air here 24/7). Seek medical help.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Narcissism Personalty Disorder (NPD) ?. Great diagnosis--it fits
Arindam perfectly. As you say, he has no interest in Science per se
nor in a critical discussion of his unscienific speculations. He is so
enamored by his delusion that  his pseudoscientific claims rank him
among the giants of real Science, that nothing on Earth will convince
him otherwise.
       He will never learn and is condemned to be the plaything of
Maharaj and his/her ilk. It is good that in his case, ignorance will
remain bliss!
All true for you and other einsteinian thugs. In the past I had wasted
much time upon you and your sorts, trying to educate you. But when I
found you all are thoroughly dishonest, gave up in disgust. You are
not scientists, you are crooks and devils pretending to be
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Post by Zinnic
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-22 15:50:30 UTC
Post by Zinnic
Narcissism Personalty Disorder (NPD) ?. Great diagnosis--it fits
Arindam perfectly. As you say, he has no interest in Science per se
nor in a critical discussion of his unscienific speculations. He is so
enamored by his delusion that his pseudoscientific claims rank him
among the giants of real Science, that nothing on Earth will convince
him otherwise.
He will never learn and is condemned to be the plaything of
Maharaj and his/her ilk. It is good that in his case, ignorance will
remain bliss!
Of all personality disorders, NPD is the only one that seems right.

Now, I have to emulate Lady Kaka and unload some copy-paste (from the
Wikipedia) :-)


---- begin copy-paste [references omitted]

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth
edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental
disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster
B) as:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need
for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and
present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates
achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without
commensurate achievements)
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be
understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status
people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of
especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her
6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

It is also a requirement of DSM-IV that a diagnosis of any specific
personality disorder also satisfies a set of general personality
disorder criteria.

------ end copy-paste

Now Arindumb, who has a general personality disorder to begin with, has
a batting average of 1000 against those 9 criteria. :-) Maybe the Indian
newsgroup (and others) are part of the "group therapy" prescribed by his

Interestingly enough, Lady Kaka, a known psychopath, also has a decent
batting average against the 9 criteria. While Arindumb seems harmless,
Lady Kaka is downright dangerous. This is an evil, criminal,
manipulative mind, and _will cause_ harm. This one is best left alone,
but Arindumb insists on playing with fire.
VB, Ubetjotushy
2012-04-22 22:19:02 UTC
On Apr 22, 10:50 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Zinnic
Narcissism Personalty Disorder (NPD) ?. Great diagnosis--it fits
Arindam perfectly. As you say, he has no interest in Science per se
nor in a critical discussion of his unscienific speculations. He is so
enamored by his delusion that  his pseudoscientific claims rank him
among the giants of real Science, that nothing on Earth will convince
him otherwise.
        He will never learn and is condemned to be the plaything of
Maharaj and his/her ilk. It is good that in his case, ignorance will
remain bliss!
Of all personality disorders, NPD is the only one that seems right.
Now, I have to emulate Lady Kaka and unload some copy-paste (from the
Wikipedia) :-)
---- begin copy-paste [references omitted]
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth
edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental
disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster
     A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need
for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and
present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates
achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without
commensurate achievements)
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power,
brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be
understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status
people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of
especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her
6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to
achieve his or her own ends
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
It is also a requirement of DSM-IV that a diagnosis of any specific
personality disorder also satisfies a set of general personality
disorder criteria.
------ end copy-paste
Now Arindumb, who has a general personality disorder to begin with, has
a batting average of 1000 against those 9 criteria. :-) Maybe the Indian
newsgroup (and others) are part of the "group therapy" prescribed by his
Interestingly enough, Lady Kaka, a known psychopath, also has a decent
batting average against the 9 criteria. While Arindumb seems harmless,
Lady Kaka is downright dangerous. This is an evil, criminal,
manipulative mind, and _will cause_ harm. This one is best left alone,
but Arindumb insists on playing with fire.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Thank you for this information. Arindum, though unemployed and (IMO)
unemployable, seems quite prosperous . My guess is that It is only a
question of time before he is invited to edit and 'finance' a film
script that will never come to production.
I am done with his lack of scientific and personal integrity. He
fully deserves whatever ill-fortune proves to be the harvest of his
contemptuous arrogance and dishonesty.
Best wishes.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-22 15:51:13 UTC
There is no point in wasting time upon the goons and other dishonest
crooks, including the einsteinian pseudo-scientists.
Time is money after all so by ignoring these thugs I save money.
Arindam Banerjee
That is an excellent idea! A number of victims of the
Goon Squad have realized this.
Better late than never!
What a pair of frauds. The copy-paste "maestro" unloads trash 24/7 here,
and should be grateful that at least a couple of the threads gets a
response (primarily because someone else more sane and straight that
this evil piece of garbage responded).

Arindumb's threat to "ignore" folks and continue work on his "kookery
book" rings hollow. The idiot is here 24/7 rambling on and on about
everything under the sun, except his supposedly superior "fizzicks".
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-23 04:55:36 UTC
The terrific success of the lying twisting einsteinians has corrupted
other disciplines, with very bad results for all.
Arindam Banerjee
Idiot, the article was about shenanigans in the bio/med science world.
This is moneyed area of research and crap is likely to happen due to
greed, insecurity, ... No nation on the planet is immune from a little
dishonesty in science (yeah, even Indians do this kind of crap).
However, the frequency is a lot less in better journals. Now, how does
relate to physics, boy? You started riding your "einsteinian" hobby horse.

Go to http://retractionwatch.wordpress.com to get more "stuff" that
seems to tickle your fancy. Any chance that you could do some full time
honest research on your infernal phorce injuns and spare us your toxic
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-23 07:00:34 UTC
True, and they dominate like so many Madoffs, CEOs, etc. Writing and
talking mumbo-jumbo in styles incomprehensible to lay persons, is the
chief qualification for inclusion in
their clubs. Like so many parasites, they thrive upon the talents of
the keen and honest people who have to work for them. Now science is
big business as you
say, not a vocation or a hobby as it used to be.
Arindam Banerjee
Talking about parasites. Did you stop to think that your non-stop 24/7
paste for approval, adulation, admiration, ... makes _you_ a damned
parasite of the highest order. There is nothing honest about you,
pretentious creep.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-24 14:12:32 UTC
Vultures look ugly, but they are very useful and dear birds.
Unfortunately their population is decreasing in India. They are
rarely found as they used to be.
Our ancestress Shakuntala as a baby was guarded by their wings, till
she was found. So we Hindus owe vultures a deep debt.
Oh, in a hurry to express indebtedness to vultures, the great Hindu,
divine being, and cosmic fraud forgot Jatayu and Sampati from the
Ramayana. Valmiki's work did not lend itself to a stage production?
Maybe these vultures, esp. Jatayu, were too old to help Sita from
abduction by Ravana. Besides, Sampati tried something foolish like
Icarus - drove the infernal phorce injun too hard and too close to the sun.
More appropriate expressions for them would be leeches, cane toads,
cuckoos (they don't build nests, lay eggs in the nests of other birds)
in the animal world.
Hmmm, a leech would be an apt description of the evil Lady Kaka. 99% of
her "discussion facilitators", as the cosmic fraud calls her posts, are
leeched off someone or somewhere. Worse yet, the criminal mind doctors
them too.

Cuckoo would be an apt description of you. Laying your super physics
eggs in all sorts of newsgroups except sci.physics.

Looks like that leave the dhanyvaading Poochie the title of cane toad.
This does not compute.
The money for it comes mainly from lay persons therefore
scientific knowledge needs to be made available to its
owners, the taxpayers and shareholders of corporations,
in a format that is easily understood.
Of course. However that is the last thing these guys will do. Unless
their work is incomprehensible, they will say it does not have
rigour. This "rigour" is what
makes bullshit pass for the most high wisdom.
Ah, if you don't understand the material, then the work must be
bullshit. Luverly! IBM Reasearch puts out a rather nice journal
(http://www-tr.watson.ibm.com/journal/rdindex.html). Is this
insufficient? Most corporations allow their employees to publish in the
open literature. Is this corporate irresponsibility?

How about Arindumb getting his papers published via the legit route
rather than whoring something on the internet? Interestingly enough,
does the evil Lady Kaka who runs a "corporation" publish her research on
the occult, cowdung, pigsticking, ... Per the vile piece of garbage that
claims to be human, astrology is a "science" as much as is research in
the myriad uses of cowdung. Lady Kaka solicits money for the same.
Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-24 14:13:09 UTC
Two meetings on separate days have already taken place
regarding 'Defend Arindam!' (working title) past week;
people are here from L.A. and they are having a good
The people from LA had a "good time" for sure. Lady Kaka is known for
her luaus - the USP is piglets with "an epple in the mouth" (and other
end too, if Lady Kaka is excited) and lots of "som ras". Other than a
laugh at your expense for two days, these wankers did little else about
this fictional movie.
Great! I do hope it become a huge box-office success!
A plagiarized (the script is a copy-paste job that Lady Kaka is "famous"
for) thingy will mean a true pox-office (s)hit.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-24 14:38:23 UTC
Ah, finally Lady Kaka fessing up to being a leech. Nice! Dunno what dues
this bitch is paying off.
Okay, substitute that with tsetse flies, malaria or dengue
mosquitoes, and other such animal life of whose reason is yet unknown.
Hmm, the Divine Being, supposedly focused on the "nobel truth" and
dedicated to humanity (all the personal science/research is offered up,
for free, on the internet) is now wandering to Kakastan - the land where
people communicate (in a vedic manner) through copy-paste, and the land
where firehydrants are hosed down regularly.

Are you done raving and ranting about einstein(ians), gandhi(ans), ...?
Any chance that you'd actually review your "kookery books" and find that
your "recipe" for infernal phorce injuns is flawed?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-25 04:49:39 UTC
Yes! All indications are that they are prepared to set
aside their funds to make a decent/big budget movie.
Cool! Tres cool! Lady Kaka made Arindumdum drool at the prospect of $$
(Uncle Sam's greenbacks are prized possessions, but not Uncle Sam's
politics and country. With "friends" like this, does Uncle Sam need
enemies?). Does anyone know of _any_ movie that Lady Kaka has produced,
directed, written, ... Anyone? If there is a name-dropping fraud that
tops them all, it has to be the ancient old prune Lady Kaka.

What will really interesting is which of these frauds, Lady Kaka and
Arindumb, is really going to pull a fast one over the other. Did the
"jyotishit" predict her own prosperity to go after Arindumb's money?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-25 04:50:05 UTC
Well, revising one's own work is really hard work. It is always prone
to small improvements and corrections, as it is difficult to spot the
little things someone else would
notice more easily.
Yeah, little things like 'k' in the 'magic formula' are really difficult
to spot.

Hey, you can use your IFE in Lady Kaka's 'movie'. One line from Python's
"Meaning of Life" will come in handy - "Ah! I see you've got a machine
that goes 'ping!' ".
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-25 04:50:37 UTC
Well, look what I got in my inbox!
Just 1.5 years ago I submitted a proposal for solar cell power for
Gujarat, best utilised through the HTN.
Looks like they have got at least half of it. Seems to me they will
distribute the power with the grid, though.
Arindam Banerjee
Okay, so you got a Gujarat government brag sheet. So what? Now are you
going to claim credit for what people have been saying for a lot longer
than 1.5 years? Kinda ranks up there with the Arindumb's paper making
search engines reality. Why stop there? Claim credit for everything from
the steam engine to nanotechnology. You're one delusional puppy. Seek a
vet for your mental state.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-25 04:50:47 UTC
I mean, reason for existence, or raison d'etre.
But, with some smartness, we can use these negative things for our own
For instance, the imported cane toad killed lots of Australian fauna.
Animals that ate this poisonous creature, died.
But, recently some Australian birds have found out a way to deal with
cane toads.
They turn them upside down, slit open the belly and enjoy the flesh,
thus leaving out the poisonous parts!
Now, who taught them that???
Nature has its own way of dealing with pests, local or imported. The
cane toads were a menace, but now thanks to this new learning by
Australian birds, under control.
There is a lesson here, applicable to the goon squad.
Arindam Banerjee.
Dang! Are you now suggesting that Lady Kaka, not Poochie, is a cane
toad? You've got a point though. Lady Kaka is supposedly an 'import' to
the US (Hawaii), and supposedly has killed a lot of fauna (piglets
mostly) there. Also, anyone that has touched (even with protective gear)
this clap-ridden prune has ended up with some ghastly nasty disease
(HIV, HepC, ...) - kinda sorta like a "vish kanya" from mythology (but
"dung kanya" in modern speak). This was partly the reason, even the most
hetero padres never laid (a hand on) Lady Kaka. Hey, Lady Kaka even
tried turning herself "upside down," but unfortunately, no go.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:16:14 UTC
On Apr 25, 2:50 pm, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Dang! Are you now suggesting that Lady Kaka, not Poochie, is a cane
No, quotay. The humanoid cane toads of US (ugly imported suck-ups to
the lowest usan thoughtstyles, and hoping to profit from same somehow)
include all the anti-Arindam entities, including Jai's goon squad, to
which you belong.
Cheers, anyway, quotay. Grow up, be something manly; desist behaving
as a creeping, crawling, whining, howling, ignorant and foul-mouthed
Saying above from my surpassing compassion, with the very best of
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
Ooooooh! Did you just call Lady Kaka a "humanoid cane toad"? Lady Kaka
too is an ugly imported suck-up trying to profit.

O Compassionate One, care to practice what you preach? Third-rate piece
of garbage, all I have ever read from you has nothing but whining,
howling, ignorance, ... Grow a fucking dick, hijra. Lady Kaka might put out.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-27 04:46:55 UTC
Note: basturd = nasty stinking squelchy humanoid-produced thingy lying
around in profusion, trying to stick to you, stalking you, that you
gotta avoid by nimble footwork.
It isn't as much nimble footwork that is needed here as it is mental
agility, and coining new words does not help. You're a hopelessly stuck
record, Divine Dodo. Stick to writing doggerel (you know, the "baboons
swooning in lagoons" kind of crap) and/or vacuous prose.

You've blown hot air and disparaged people here who've disagreed with
you, or called you on your kookery. Stop pretending to be a "victim",
fucking whiner. You don't have what it takes to handle the reactions to
what you dish out. You thought you were something special that I'd throw
rose petals every time you farted here? Gawd! That NPD makes you
insufferable. Anyways, it is about time that you woke up to fact that
you aren't in any IIT anymore, and that there are people a hundred times
smarter than you are.

Furthermore, you are one dishonest bastard. Your claimed knowledge of
Hinduism, or of Indian history, or of Sanskrit literature is on par with
your knowledge of physics. Yet, Divine Dodo, you hold forth 24/7 in
reaction to the master criminal mind, Lady Kaka, whose knowledge of
_anything_ is several notches below yours.

Here is a challenge for you. Translate and provide a commentary on each
of the 6 verses of Adi Shankara's "Atmashatakam" which I posted a couple
of days. The translation bit should keep you busy for a day, the
interpretative commentary should keep you busy for quite sometime.
Think! If that fails, and highly likely too because the box on shoulders
is completely fried, you can always sit and recite "Bhaja Govindam" (Adi
Shankara's too).

In short, dazzle me with your brilliance rather than try to baffle me
with your bullshit.

One final thought. Stalking is what the nasty criminal mastermind Lady
Kaka does. To consort with this piece of garbage is definitely beneath
humans. Leave that to Poochie the firehydrant washer.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:09:56 UTC
Well, I cannot afford editors, so I got to do my own editing. It is
really tough to edit one's own work, that I find. There is always
something to improve... and this is the first time I am writing in
hopes of making some money!
Gasp! The Divine "Nonobel" [sic] Being finds money is not "filthy" after
all, and has fond hopes of making "it." Hopefully "it" is not gained
through ghastly doggerel (often palmed off as "poetry"), and hopefully
not through any scientific literature either, although the ideas and
prose are good enough to be in pulp paperback as science fiction.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:10:14 UTC
Your work certainly has propspects in at least two states: WB and Gujarat.
After all that brag about creativity, scriptwriting, and being "wired
in" into Hollywood/Bollywood, blah, blah, the wimpy dickless bitch
buried one sentence in a long-winded thread, and the sentence was as
bland as it gets, despite it sounding like a pronouncement. Fraud
"jyotshits" certainly do have a way.
At least they are seeing what benefit lies in using solar power. The
Gujarat govt. is certainly dynamic!
Maybe my reports helped to give them that realisation.
Yeah, right! Fucking moron, you are not the only one that had an
epiphany about solar power. The idea has been around forever.
Their dates of
submission cannot be denied, whatever else may be the case! True I
did not give them any presentation as they refused my presence in
Gujarat, but that did not stop them from getting and reading my
project reports. I mean, their top IAS officer related to water
supply first was enthusiastic, said he would pay for me to come and
give a presentation, then when I landed in India gave some very silly
reasons while asking me not to come! My father who was liasing with
this guy was furious!
You think that Lady Kaka/Harmony put in a word about you being one of
the "dreaded" 3M, or some such crap in Baboon Squad-speak.
The WB Govt may ask me to write a Detailed Project Report on the
implementation of solar power systems in rural areas.
May? That is bureaucrat-speak for never. Bangdu, you forgot that the
Indian bureaucracy is a coin-operated machine.
I have already
said that I will do it for free.
If they do ask me to write it, and then approve it, the work will be
done by local engineering companies. My DPR will show how profitable
it can be, given permission any company should make money out of it.
As you see, the Gujarat govt will benefit enormously from providing
solar power via solar cells.
The tune is now very different, eh, Bangdu? It used to be HTN a little
while back. However, now you're willing to settle for solar cells. This
idea is not originally yours, and stop trying to glom on to it.
My work actually goes a way further, by
making use of the surplus power generated locally through a new,
efficient distribution process.
It will be a start... really do hope it takes off, though of course
there is nothing in it for me, financially speaking.
Yeah, right! How fucking duplicitous can one get? Sheesh! Bangdu you are
about as honest as a jyotishit.
Thanks for your interest.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:10:22 UTC
The goons often send forged e-mail and post forgeries on
USENET. Would it be possible for you to post all the
headers of the above e-mail message that you have
received? Dhanyavaad.
Oh so touching. The third-rate fraud doctors original articles and then
whinges about forgeries. Haraamzaadi, jaali note hai.
See below, this was is a standard and routine propaganda email to my
inbox from Modiji.
Arindam Banerjee
And you blew a happy hot hydrogen gasket?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:19:17 UTC
Well Jai I am a bit too old to comment about the mammary impact of
Avatar upon male adolescence but this certainly is a novel criticism
of that movie!
Arindam Banerjee
Lady Kaka, pretending to be a prude, proudly recycled copy-paste from 2
yrs ago, hoping to drum up some support from the Divine Dodo. But the
Divine Dodo simply said, "(my) ass over tits".
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-26 05:40:11 UTC
As evidenced by the activities of the goon squad, and all other anti-
Arindam entities that have been very volubly active ever since I
started posting in Usenet back in the nineties. Boy, did I arouse
resentment! I got thinly veiled death threats, later got hounded out
of employement, now have no chance to get a job... thugs rule, you
see. Ghor kalyug, with such creepy entities as the k-mqw the cttc se
held in the highest regard by the sobs in charge.
Bollocks! Bloody dimwitted Bangdu, _nobody_ other than Lady Kaka resents
you. Lots of people (sheesh! including Suwara paaji) have tried being
civil with you, but supercilious bloody twat, you've rained on everyone.
No fucking way I'm going take any of that lying down, especially not
from low-class pretentious idiot. You are a fraud.

Keep 'em coming, boy! I got lots more that I can heap on you, and much
better than the cowdung the fraud jyotishit can dole out.
The real world has so far been much kinder to me than the cyberworld,
I am happy to say. I have led a very happy and productive life, and
lack nothing, thanks to the bounty of the Mahadevi to Whose glory I
have dedicated my latest work. As my late aunt said, it must have
been good karma in my past lives. I don't want to come back, so I
gotta do as much good as possible in this existence. Unfortunately,
the stupid and evil atheistic quotays cannot stand so much goodness,
so they unify as a howling, negative mass of pure devilry. Amusing,
in a way. But they have their uses too - one could hardly portray
devils as well as I have done in my composition, unless I interacted
so much with them.
Then get the fuck back to the "real world" instead of righteously
whinging here. You are no fucking victim. You are about as evil and
criminal as Lady Kaka. Must be an IITD thing.
Arindam Banerjee.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-28 15:08:28 UTC
Great day for me, this! Paid up to self-publish my first book, which
should be out within a couple of months. My agent is out to roll the
presses! Well, it was so exciting, writing it over the past several
years, but all good things have to come to an end.
Arindam Banerjee
Nice! Is this first book about physics? Or is it a collection of your
"poems"? Or is it an autobiography? Please let me know the title/ISBN.
I'll buy the book and give you a review, and some royalty too. At least
you cannot say that I skewered you for free.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-29 14:23:19 UTC
ROTFLMAO! Exchanges? The only original "exchanges" that Lady Kaka has
ever produced include simple sentences like, "dhanyavaad", "sanatan
dharm ki jai ho", ..., disclaimers on copy-paste, hit pieces declaring
people to be non-Hindus, accusations of all and sundry of death threats,
jihads, ... In short, vacuous crap (okay, cowdung).
Simply terrific to hear about it! Thrills me no end, maybe a short
cut and break at long last!
Whoa, Nellie! Lady Kaka made a grand announcement that she is going to
make a movie based on material she copy-pasted from various sources.
There is nothing to suggest that she'll give you any credit (read $$),
other than an "I appreciate it" here. Try collecting royalties, O Divine
Dodo, and Lady Kaka's "ethics" will trump your "divinity"
[ Subject: Re: New ideas in physics
[ From: Dr. Jai Maharaj
[ Newsgroups: alt.philosophy,
[ alt.fan.jai-maharaj,sci.physics,
[ rec.arts.prose,soc.culture.indian,sci.physics.electromag
[ Date: March 9, 2004
Surely the infinite multiverse (the universes
within it) already contain such engines. Is it
important to know their exact location?
Well, according to my physics, roughly speaking the bigger the
heavenly body, the greater the heat it will naturally radiate, and
will always keep on radiating without any loss of mass. The density
distribution also matters.
the Moon has some heat, because it is small.
The Earth has more heat, as it is bigger.
Jupiter has lots of heat, as it is bigger than Earth.
Sun has lotsa heat, as it is bigger than Jupiter.
How would you explain the fact that a scrawny heavenly body, such as
you, puts out much more heat than any of the other celestial bodies?
Maybe this is because of the "internal phorce" fueled by refried beans?
There is a non-linearity invovled, as golf balls and footballs will
not radiate heat (unless they are kicked of course) as they are far
too small!
These are the direct consequences of throwing out the law of
conservation of energy and replacing it with energy is always getting
created and destroyed. When the surface layers of a body has unequal
pressure distributions, and this can only happen when the body becomes
too big, then it will automatically radiate it - be an Internal Force
Making an actual IFE is to realise the principle above, in engineering
Yup! I better corner the refried beans market. There is a pony in the
"infernal phorce injun" idea.
In my book "The Principles of Motion" I have discussed all this in
detail. It all makes sense, once we throw out wrong notions of
quantum, relativity, entropy, etc. and replace them with
electromagnetics (antenna radiation theory) and my new math formula
The word "Loose" is missing in the title. That would qualify things
better. But, do remember to post the ISBN of the book when it is
published. I hope it'll be reasonably priced.
Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-29 14:25:55 UTC
Simply terrific to hear about it! Thrills me no end, maybe a short
cut and break at long last!
Before you take off for the Moon, please confirm your formula as
e=0.5mVVN(N-k) or as e=0.5mVVN(N-1/k).
Is it possible that k applies in the outward trip and the 1/k
reciprocal in the return trip. That way the passengers, unlike you,
will know if they are coming or going!
The "imaginary phorce injun" is likely to induce whiplash from k = 1/k
(the equation should have been j = 1/j - after all Arindum claims to be
an electrical engineer :-))
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-29 14:31:26 UTC
Gratitude is due also to Arindam Banerjee for
acknowledging the process and putting up with it!
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Arindam Banerjee
Bandicoot has given its email and phone number to any one who cares to
invest in him, but monkey will not oblige.
The Monkey got some free promo (at the expense of the Bandicoot) for a
copy-paste movie (currently imaginary because j = 1/j ;-)). A story from
the post-modern "Hitopadesha" [known in the "saniskrit"-ispeaking world
as Shitopadesha].

This entire exchange has me working on Part 8 of the Kaakaavataar -
"Landing at Trinidad - (Sugar)Cane My Butt".
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-29 14:37:32 UTC
I don't think so, at this moment. A package holiday may suit us. We
find affordable offers from time to time.
C'mon! You'll have made a whole pile of cash from royalties on the book
that revolutionizes physics. I think I'll set up a "Red Carpet for
Arindum" org. and roll one out for ya when you visit California. Come to
think of it. You can do all the flights for free - the magic carpet
fueled by an "internal force engine" shouldn't cost you anything.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-04-30 05:58:17 UTC
Thanks. When I started writing my new ideas on physics, entropy,
quantum and relativity had as much status as gravity and
electromagnetics. I don't think it is
easily possible for the crooks to take away the credit for my original
discoveries, much as they may try. Right now the goons are ridiculing
me. When the entropy and
relativity and quantum are debunked, they will say that I was not
being original! It is very necessary to have people like you, to
point out who first wrote the new
and revolutionary concept and published it to the world in the most
open forum
Cheers, and thanks once again
With best regards,
Arindam Banerjee
The original "discovery" of the solution of k = 1/k was developed by
Cardano in Italy in the 16th century. Your rediscovery is hardly
revolutionary. Anwyays, what is with bangdus and revolutions? When the
bangdus get a little freedom, revolution is all they talk about (staring
at a clock whiling away the time must fry their brains). When completely
under a "foreign" power, bangdus peacefully count beans for the
dispensation of the day. Centuries of conditioning under the Nawabs of
Bengal and the Company, what?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-01 03:31:30 UTC
You are welcome. In my opinion the ridicule by goons only
helps you because it raises the buzz about the movie
project. The medium of film is extremely powerful, and in
turn I expect this movie to greatly enhance your work.
Horse hockey! Man, this woman is criminal in feeding Arindumb absolute
crap. There is no movie, and this cowardly piece of crap has no "oeuvre"
to speak of, despite claims to the contrary. Anyone who spends the
entire day copy-pasting does not have time to do _any_ original work.
Gawd! Talk of a nasty mean spirited bastard getting her thrills from
jerking around a emotionally frail person. This is about as low as one
can get. Sheesh! Ranks down there with Cuckoo Curry Ku (another
blithering fuckwit).
That will be just wonderful. With govts all around either bankrupt or
corrupt or both, funding has to be got from somewhere. If the movie
is popular, people will know about my work and perhaps buy my books
which will then give me the necessary funding to pursue my science
projects, technical and commercial outcomes, etc
Building castles in the air, yet again. Anyone with any level of
self-esteem would have quitely gone on to research/perfect theories.
However, that NPS comes roaring in with the constant seeking of approval
and adulation. Get medical help, you blithering moron.
Let me address the issue of motivation a little bit. This
is esential in a screenplay, of course, but maybe here
too. Not too many folks know this: a traditional Hindu
Jyotishi ("Vedic Astrologer" in the West) such as myself
has the duty to help others succeed. Some are clients,
others not. Perhaps this latter category contributes our
karmic portfolio, if you'll pardon the expression.
Holy Baloney! This piece of garbage is all about advertizing her
"predicci" [sic] wares and preying on the gullible, preying for money.
This is an unprincipled low-class third-rate criminal mind, and is fit
to remake a "saniskrit" version of "The Silence of the Lambs" with Lady
Kaka as Hannibal Lecter. Karmic portfolio, my foot!
Of course, all good works will lead to good results for the doers, in
this life or the next. Doing lots of good, will result in a longer
stay in Heaven and return only out of Compassion for good souls
crushed by goon squads.
I am not sure exactly how astrology fits in with above Vedantic
thinking. A lot of research is necessary to find out the linkages.
My main concern is to link the Vedas, Puranas and Vedanta together, in
my works. They are forming a clear picture now, to me at least.
Yeah, right!! You've got a loooooooong way to go. Sounds good on paper,
but you don't have the wherewithal to accomplish it. However, good luck
to you in your quest.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-02 04:33:30 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
You are welcome. In my opinion the ridicule by goons only
helps you because it raises the buzz about the movie
project. The medium of film is extremely powerful, and in
turn I expect this movie to greatly enhance your work.
Horse hockey! Man, this woman is criminal in feeding Arindumb absolute
Poor quotay, he is absolutely raving. In his lunacy he is seeing
women in sci when as a matter of fact they have been extinct here for
I thought I was being polite by assigning a gender to this piece of
human garbage. Would you rather that I refer to the Muckeraj as "it"?
After all, this thing is a neuter gender criminal mind. It has done
nothing for India, Hindus, you, ... It is all about generating revenue
off its website on astrology. Wake up and smell the coffee, fuckwit.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
There is no movie,
Of course there is no movie, quotay. No one says there is one. Point
is that Jai says that one Hollywood movie about myself is in the works
and he has written the script upon which work is being done at
present. So one may expect, that all going well, in due course a
movie about me will be screened in our local theatre and I will get to
see it. Future tense, quotay - and that too, simple future tense is
what the movie is all about at the moment. As far as I am concerned,
it can well remain that way till the end of time. Like US debt.
I don't care about any bloody movie about you, fuckwit. I just pointed
out that the fraudulent Lady Kaka only makes claims here. She has no
script, no experience, no nothing. Although Joshi ji refers to this
pustule as "monkey". The real monkey here is you.
and this cowardly piece of crap has no "oeuvre"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
to speak of, despite claims to the contrary.
He is much much better than you and other members of the goon squad,
quotay. You no-name goons are all negative malicious untalented
envious disgraceful devils - yet, that way, as models, have been quite
useful to me in my literary works, I gotta admit.
I don't give a flying flock for your opinion about me. However, it is
crystal clear that you are opportunistic fraud, much like Lady Kaka. How
this entire "movie" episode is going to be interesting, real interesting.
Anyone who spends the
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
entire day copy-pasting does not have time to do _any_ original work.
Not all are bound by your own very limited vision and truly pathetic
capabilities, quotay.
Bring it on, motherfucker. Let me see what "unlimited vision" you have.
Science fiction isn't vision.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Gawd! Talk of a nasty mean spirited bastard getting her thrills from
jerking around a emotionally frail person.
You would know about being a nasty mean spirited bastard spewing
turds, quotay-basturd; and unluckily for you I am not an emotionally
frail person. For I rejoice in kicking your ass, you evil and
worthless asshole, when I deign to give you some notice.
Yeah, check with your fucking shrink. What ass are you kicking? You are
the one making an absolute ass of himself. You are a fucking
embarrassment to Indians.
This is about as low as one
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
can get. Sheesh! Ranks down there with Cuckoo Curry Ku (another
blithering fuckwit).
No fuckwit blithers more than you, quotay, nor is any fuckwit on earth
more fuckwitted than you. Only the nastiest of baboons are fit
company for you, so you do get along well with that wretched howling
babbling Joshiji.
Joshi ji nailed your holy ass. Supercilious twit, you thought you were
going to pose as some elite little snob, and all were going to make very
adulatory remarks, ... Stupid bastard, you ain't got the class and you
ain't got the finesse. The language that I've used here is something
that will get through that thick skull of yours.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
That will be just wonderful. With govts all around either bankrupt or
corrupt or both, funding has to be got from somewhere. If the movie
is popular, people will know about my work and perhaps buy my books
which will then give me the necessary funding to pursue my science
projects, technical and commercial outcomes, etc
Building castles in the air, yet again. Anyone with any level of
self-esteem would have quitely gone on to research/perfect theories.
I have lots of self-esteem, so I don't go around begging for grants
from whoever and wherever, like all the rest in all the
establishments. I fund my hobbies and interests with my own money
resulting from my own creative efforts.
So, why the fuck are you begging for approval of your gobbledegook
physics here? You can fuck yourself with your own money for all I care.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
However, that NPS comes roaring in with the constant seeking of approval
and adulation. Get medical help, you blithering moron.
Take your own advice, asshole. Stop stalking me, go see a shrink who
will try to fill you with a bit more self-respect and maybe some
maturity as well.
Until you tone down your bombast, I'll continue to flog you.
Motherfucker, it is highly unlikely that I'll let you get away with the
kind of crap that you've spewed out here. Pretentious fucking fraud, I
have called your bluff on being a "divine being", a "sanskrit scholar",
a "hindu" (likely the same kind of human garbage as the fraud Lady Kaka).
Well, enough education for you for now. Try to be a less obnoxious
asshole, quotay.
Nope! I will continue to be in your face until you back off. Dig, stupid
Arindam (bin Einstein ban Gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Arindam Banerjee
2012-05-02 06:05:15 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
You are welcome. In my opinion the ridicule by goons only
helps you because it raises the buzz about the movie
project. The medium of film is extremely powerful, and in
turn I expect this movie to greatly enhance your work.
Horse hockey! Man, this woman is criminal in feeding Arindumb absolute
Poor quotay, he is absolutely raving.  In his lunacy he is seeing
women in sci when as a matter of fact they have been extinct here for
I thought I was being polite by assigning a gender to this piece of
human garbage.
Idiotic quotay, you stink more than any human garbage.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-03 04:11:48 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
You are welcome. In my opinion the ridicule by goons only
helps you because it raises the buzz about the movie
project. The medium of film is extremely powerful, and in
turn I expect this movie to greatly enhance your work.
Horse hockey! Man, this woman is criminal in feeding Arindumb absolute
Poor quotay, he is absolutely raving. In his lunacy he is seeing
women in sci when as a matter of fact they have been extinct here for
I thought I was being polite by assigning a gender to this piece of
human garbage.
Idiotic quotay, you stink more than any human garbage.
Whew! The baboon who swooned spewing "physics" in a lagoon at least
called me human garbage. You and Lady Kaka belong to a unique class of

Thanks for your contribution to alt.bonehead.jai-maharaj (the "asli"
phan club). I am sure Lady Kaka is grateful too.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-02 04:07:31 UTC
The Fabric of the Cosmos
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Sad, to see how much public money and adulation is poured on these
einsteinian scum, who are also the absolute and abject liars. The
greatest ideals of modern society is thus corrupted, and its ultimate
result is financial ruin. For money depends upon both health and
technology, and both are corrupted by having smooth talking liars in
charge, only out to confuse with abuse of mathematics and twisting of
Arindam Banerjee
Take your fucking theories and stick them where the sun don't shine,
fucking whiner. Your "einsteinian scum" crap is getting tiresome, and
blithering windbag, don't mix the world of science and finance. You have
absolutely no clue about either, and you are beginning to babble
incoherently. Medication time! Maybe Lady Kaka will play Nurse Ratched
in the "saniskrit" remake of Kubrick's "One Flew over the Cuckoo's
Nest". What a pair of frauds.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-04 03:34:01 UTC
Great idea, I will produce, direct and also act in my own videos which
will promote the sales of my books. Thanks, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
Awesome! Hopefully these videos will be in chaste Sanskrit (the Kalidasa
variety), and not in the pidginized crap "saniskrit" that the fraud Lady
Kaka fobs off here. Upload those videos to Youtube as well for maximum
promotion (for free). You'll get the greatest amount of admiration,
adulation and praise if you demo an "internal force engine". Heck!
You'll not only get "internal force injun" groupies, you might even be
promoted to true "divine status" (make sure you have the right SFX to
make that "halo" stand out)
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Arindam Banerjee
2012-05-04 05:38:21 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Great idea, I will produce, direct and also act in my own videos which
will promote the sales of my books.  Thanks, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
Awesome! Hopefully these videos will be in chaste Sanskrit (the Kalidasa
variety), and not in the pidginized crap "saniskrit" that the fraud Lady
Kaka fobs off here. Upload those videos to Youtube as well for maximum
promotion (for free). You'll get the greatest amount of admiration,
adulation and praise if you demo an "internal force engine". Heck!
You'll not only get "internal force injun" groupies, you might even be
promoted to true "divine status" (make sure you have the right SFX to
make that "halo" stand out)
Wonders will never cease, a reasonably civil post from the quotay at
last! Civil by his normal standards, that is.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
VB, Ubetjotushy
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-05 17:18:13 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Great idea, I will produce, direct and also act in my own videos which
will promote the sales of my books. Thanks, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
Awesome! Hopefully these videos will be in chaste Sanskrit (the Kalidasa
variety), and not in the pidginized crap "saniskrit" that the fraud Lady
Kaka fobs off here. Upload those videos to Youtube as well for maximum
promotion (for free). You'll get the greatest amount of admiration,
adulation and praise if you demo an "internal force engine". Heck!
You'll not only get "internal force injun" groupies, you might even be
promoted to true "divine status" (make sure you have the right SFX to
make that "halo" stand out)
Wonders will never cease, a reasonably civil post from the quotay at
last! Civil by his normal standards, that is.
Wonders will never cease. You contributed yet again to
alt.bonehead.jai-maharaj. Expect a little pissiness from Lady Kaka. I
too can "predict" the future, without copy-paste "vedic astrology".
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-06 15:39:54 UTC
Genghis Khan was a winner with no help from literacy and literates, so
he has not been well understood by the world.
This movie goes some way about correcting impressions. Greatest scene
there was when Genghis, tied up, with a board around his neck, was
avoiding arrows fired at his face. After surviving that ordeal, and
similar ordeals, he thought he had a Divine mission to fulfil.
The movie gave the clue that in his homeland at least, Genghis is
still very keenly and thoroughly remembered.
Gotta go to Mongolia one day, to find out things for myself...
Arindam Banerjee.
Nice! The world should let Hollywood write human history, and real life
should imitate reel life (I would hate to call some of it art). Please
do post the "travelogue" about your upcoming adventures in Mongolia.
Hope you discover the tomb of the great Khan - untold riches supposedly,
riches that would make your life developing "infernal force injuns" a
(Youtube) success.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-07 04:12:08 UTC
Thanks, it was an interesting post.
Oy, Macaulay ka kutta maafik kaayku "thanks" bolta hai? "Saniskrit" aati
naheen kya? Dhanyavaads bolne ka. Samjha kya?
Religious institutions have it really good for centuries before they
are suddenly uprooted - then they once again take root!
This happened in Europe quite a few times. With the downfall of
paganism, then recently with the rise of secularism starting from the
French Revolution.
Arindam Banerjee
Care to elaborate more on the above vacuous crap? On second thought,
maybe not. Limit your gobbledegook to "non-einsteinian fizziks" and
leave philosophy alone. You're simply not mentally equipped for
something harder.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised