The MMI bungle pointed out, once again... THROW OUT MODERN PHYSICS!
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-24 05:36:50 UTC
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Well, she is good-looking at least. Do you support her, Jai?
I support some of her ideas but certainly not all of
them. She took a few undesirable politicians of her own
party to task and went after corrupt oil companies in
Alsaka when she was the governor there. I met her and her
family in 2008; they are frequent visitors to the
Islands. She intends to run for president in 2016, and I
may root for her after listening to what she has to say
then. "Drill, baby, drill" is one of her slogans. The US
sits on huge amounts of oil under the ground, so that
makes sense. Oh and she's pro-life, which is consistent
with Sanaatan Dharmee principles.
Ah, Lady Kaka doing a little name dropping. Yeah, a third-rate beach
bum, and probably a maid in one of Waikiki's many hotels, 'met' with
Sarah Palin. Maybe someone should send e-mail to Sarah Palin to see if
she really knows Lady Kaka. One might get a reply between moose hunts,
and the reply is going to be "Duh!"

"Drill, baby, drill" is the line Lady Kaka frequently used on padres.
Apparently the line did not quite work (even on the most hetero padres),
leaving Lady Kaka perpetually frustrated.

Sarah Palin is a silly airhead, and pro-life or not, her evangelical
Christian principles are in no way consistent with "Sanaatan Dharm"
principles. Lady Kaka's third-rate evangelical Christian leanings are
beginning to show. Now, those leanings are very very consistent with her
(Lady Kaka's) visceral hatred for Catholics.

Poor, poor Lady Kaka. The third-rate bitch cannot vote, presumably
because she is not a US citizen. All she can do is 'root' (whatever that
might mean other than 'fan posts' here). Someone's gotta check to see if
Lady Kaka makes campaign contributions to any US political parties.
She was a bit of joke to start with last time, but towards the end she
recovered some ground. I think she made a good impression when she
visited India. Her support of hunting moose did not go too well with
many. If she supports the Hydrogen Economy brought
about by the Hydrogen Transmission Network, she should win if USAns
still have any sense left.
Now, here is Bungholey Babu making kissing sounds to peddle hot-air
networks in the US. Don't worry about US politics. See if you can make a
difference in Oz, the country of which you are a citizen. Such niceties
don't apply to traitorous 'divine beings', I suppose.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-25 14:48:56 UTC
After all, corporations have
obligations to their shareholders, clients and other
And Govts have no such obligations, at all. They exist to tax and
spend what is left after waste and corruption upon those who vote for
whine or bully or bribe the most, etc.
So it is nice to be a govt.fatcat. Get fixed salaries for doing
nothing, then pensions for the rest of your life - at the honestest.
Hmm, I do recall you writing here that your father was in the Indian
Police Service, a govt. job as far as I know. So he is knocking down a
pension for doing nothing?

After graduating from one of them institutions of high learning, you
took up a govt. job too, didn't you? So you too benefitted from a fixed
salary for doing nothing. Sucking down that pension too, are you?
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-26 13:25:28 UTC
When the values measured in an experiment agree with the values tha=
t a
theory says will be measured, then the experiment validates the
theory. =A0No amount of 'interpretation' changes that basic fact.
A null result is measured in the MMX. SR predicts a null result for
SR wasn't invented then, when they did the MMX. =A0They made an
analytical bungle, as I pointed out, to get results they did not
Sorry, replace "get" with "explain" above.
Thus they made an analytical bungle (they forgot that as the MMI
apparatus was fixed to earth, it would move during the tme it took the
light to
go, reflect and come back, and this movement would change the
distances accordingly. =A0Taking the changed distances as a result of
the Earth's
movement, and taking c(V)=3Dc+V which was what they had absolutely (and
correctly) assumed with their 19th century knowledge, the null results
had to take place. =A0As they forgot to change the distances
(effectively either putting the Earth at rest, or insanely expecting
the Earth to move under
the apparatus) they explained the null results as c(V)=3Dc, a postulate
which led to the e=3Dmcc derivation with associated bizarre stuff as
nothing moving
faster than light, matter becoming infinitely heavy at light speed and
of zero length too. =A0Throwing out e=3Dmcc by replacing it with
literally straightens out physics, makes the universe linear and as
infinite as our eyes can see with increasingly powerful
Thus, if we can accelerate indefinitely with internal force engines at
g or say 10m/s/s, then we reach light speed withing
v=3Dat, or t=3D(v=3Dc)/(a=3D10) or t=3D3*10^8/10 =3D 3*10^7 seconds. =A0W=
hich is,
347.2 days. =A0So it takes nearly two years to reach light speed, and
back again to
rest speed (by turning the craft 180deg and decelerating). =A0Thus if a
star is say 5 light years away, it will take about 6 years to get
there travelling up to
light speed. =A0Of course it will be less with superluminal speeds. =A0Th=
ship could coast say at 2c, and that would take abouy 5 years of
travel. =A0Also with
greater acceleration than g, the travel time would come down.
The most constricting thing about einsteinism is that it fixes
humanity upon the planet, instead of making him roam among the stars.
With Newtonian
dynamics back once again, Einstianian nonsense straightened out, thus,
it is possible to see human development among the stars happening as
matter of course within the next 100-200 years. e=3D0.5mVVN(N-k) is the
most basic equation - of course it can be elaborated to any level of
Spaceships a few kilometers long can be constructed in outer space.
Mining asteroids, processing the metals and manufacture can be done
from Earth. It will be an entirely new society - no police, no fear,
humanity will be purged of its evils when working together, depending
upon each other,
in outer space. The meanness of the grabby quotays, the malevolence
of the learned cretins, will cease to exist under such conditions and
No pollution, no viruses, everything nice and controlled under superb
engineering - wow, will I live long enough to even get a glimpse?
Jai, can we do some movies on such a theme - realistic science fiction
this, like Jules Verne's work? I don't like to write fiction (too
easy) but I suppose
I will have to relax my standpoint to get such works going. Maybe a
nice mystery plot (borrowing from the great Dr Asimov) may be used.
The quotays
that are cowardly earth-bound creatures, always obnoxious, will serve
as useful villains.
Arindam Banerjee
I don't see why your excellent idea cannot be made into a
movie. More and more science fiction is turning into
reality these days so SF isn't entirely fiction.
Indeed, one may think of Hollywood taking on a bigger role, turning
fantasy into fact, by supporting cutting-edge research.
With govts and unis all corrupt to the core as a result of gandism/
einsteinisation, it is up to Hollywood to churn out the profits it
makes to spur
the most fundamental research.
Such research will provide enormous gains to new industry, and improve
social conditions by leaps and bounds. For this research unlike govt
and uni
research will be free from all quotabaaji. It will be directed only
to the worthy; those with high intellect, creativity, spirit and
Thus, fact and fantasy together could form a virtuous cycle of
Whew! What a load of rubbish from one fraudster, Arindumb, to another
fraudster, Lady Kaka.

Arindumb is now hoping that the full-time copy-paste cowdung artist (and
part-time astrofraud) is going to sell her B-grade Sci-Fi "screenplay"
(Kaka's caca) to Hollywood, and Hollywood's "infernal force injuns" will
then fund more caca from Arindumb. After decades of sci-fi fare on the
silver screen (and in 3D too), any proof that Hollywood has ever funded
any of "the most fundamental research"?

Anyways, your fantasy (not yet fact without exptl. data) has not been
backed by any sort of high intellect (deductive or not), and you do
suffer from dishonesty, meanspiritedness, ... So, you cannot benefit
from this Hollywood "research". In the meantime, Lady Kaka tries to sell
a new version of "3 Idiots" (Kaka, Poochie and Bangdu).
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-27 09:09:45 UTC
You've brought up important points. The entertainment
industry, rather the most successful people in it do fund
many institutions of learning, charity projects,
political campaigns, museums and centers of the arts and
sciences. A book can be written about this and used to
motivate others.
ROTFLMAO! Kakadevi has done no such thing as funding any "institutions
of learning, charity projects, museums and centers of the arts and
sciences." She has likely funded political campaigns, which contravenes
US laws (Kakadevi, by her own admission, is a super-hyper-desi [read
Hindu] patriot who leeches off the US system). However, it is true that,
as a "charity project," she has been the recipient of public largesse.
Then there is that scam bidness of astrobunkum.
Problem is that such funding seems as general as govt. funding. It is
not directed to the success of a specific important project.
Of course, a specific important project is Arindumb's non-einsteinian
"fizzicks" of infernal phorce injuns. What a load of crock!
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-03-28 04:42:18 UTC
Problem is that such funding seems as general as govt. funding. It is
not directed to the success of a specific important project.
In the meantime it is enjoyable to watch the quotays play old-hat good-
cop bad-cops routine!
No clue what this new good-cop/bad-cop idiocy is all about, but you two
frauds - you and Lady Kaka - are just smashing entertainment.

Another 24 hours gone by and there is no sign that either "divine" fraud
has been able to raise moolah for the "a specific important project",
viz., a remake of "3 Idiots" in "saniskrit". "Fizzicks" be damned. That
will be taken care of by "Divine Grace" and the Usenet.
VB, Ubetjotushy

About the Jihadi Loon Squad:
A jihadi loon is someone like Jade Muckeraj.

"Jade Muckeraj" aka "The Old Cow of Hawaii" <***@fraudsrus.com>
tries her best to pretend she is a Hindu -- cutting and pasting, and
even doctoring what others post/write about Hindus/Hinduism on the
internet, deliberately pidginizing Sanskrit and providing wrong
translations, inventing brand new books in the Mahabharat (reducing it
to Muckabharat), stalking and abusing people who disagree with her by
hijacking their posts, and then cuts and pastes about Hindu ethics and
moans self-righteously about honesty -- and succeeds spectacularly in
convincing all, except other jihadi loons, that she is not a Hindu.
She is in fact a creepy jihadi loon, who thinks she owns the newsgroup
s.c.indian, and has absolutely no problem slandering anyone. As a
Indian citizen supposedly, she meddles in US political issues, and
advocates civil war in India.