(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-16 16:18:08 UTC
...especially something as violent as Islam, was posted by arak on arrack!

Yo jihadi baboon, how many despatched themselves on 72 Virgin Quest
today because shadows looked kinda funny, or they dreamt they saw a Jew?
Somewhere on the web is a death count of such jihadi wackos. The numbers
ain't pretty.

I'd appreciate it if you could tell your jihadi baboon brethren to keep
to some regular open schedule so that Uncle Sam can speed up the Virgin
Quest process in Af-Pak. Or do the cowardly unshaven monkeys prefer to
"live" in caves outta sight of drones?

BTW, stupid bastard, could you add some "I slamic" newsgroups to the
distribution, or limit it to alt.bonehead.jai-maharaj or alt.idiots?
Motherfucker, alt.religion.hindu is not for your "I slamic" crap.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-16 16:23:05 UTC
Stupid fucking bozo, Poochie, what is with the "please stop this
nonsense" crap? First learn to trim down the article of the fucking
jihadi baboon arak (or whatever the fuck the monkey's name is), and then
post your pathetic copy-paste. Sheesh! Is your IQ now sub-zero?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised