Schoolboy cracks age-old mathematics problem
(too old to reply)
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-27 13:37:22 UTC
Dhanyavaad for your post !
Sanaatan Dharm Kee Jai Ho !
Halfwitted monkey, you get a boner from Lady Kaka's copy-paste, don't
you? Does the great copy-paste artist know (or understand) what precise
problems the kid cracked without numerical computations? Anyways, from
what I gather there was no religion involved in solving the two problems
from 3 centuries ago. So you can save your "sansikrit" Hallelujah for
another time. How did you ever become a professor of CS, dipshit? You
are a moron.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-28 15:38:50 UTC
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
As always, Lady Kaka (aka the Muckeraj) went on tear about the
achievements of someone else by copy-pasting the same info (albeit from
different sources) again and again, without any mention of the problems
that the Indian kid actually solved. Then there is Arindumb with his
usual riff on Newton and "Einsteinian nonsense" ending with a little
brag about himself.

Dumdum Arindumb, what is with the "at last Newtonian dynamics is being
given the attention it deserves"? Has Newton been banished from
engineering? Since when, and why? Is this the state of affairs at your
alma mater, IITKGP, allegedly India's "premier" engineering institution?
Small wonder then that the faculty there are willing to buy your kookery
books (for teaching or as science fiction literature?).

Setting aside Lady Kaka's copy-paste about India/Hindus/Hinduism and
your horseshit about Newton and Einstein, answer the following simple

What were the two problems that Shouryya Ray solved? Did he get closed
form solutions to the two problems? If so, what are the closed-form
solutions? From what I have read, one of the problems was to do with
flight of projectiles including air resistance. What was the other? In
short, discuss the technical details of the problems without bringing in
the kid's ethnicity and/or religion.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-28 15:45:23 UTC
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh? Are your infernal force injuns being peddled as
"quidditch gear" now? Are you coming up with an interstellar version of
this fictional game? How about a nice little book on the "Physics of
Quidditch" instead of the "To The Stars" babble that you've written?

How come science fiction writers aren't guiding stars? Arthur C. Clarke
was a "guiding star" for communication satellites, no? Hell, even geezer
fiction of Jules Verne, H G Wells, ... could be "guiding stars", no?
Besides, these guys weren't "einsteinian" (i.e., not Jewish), which
seems to be very important to you.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-30 06:05:56 UTC
On May 29, 1:45 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh?
Yes, she knows how to make money by selling books.
That way, she is the greatest. The Guru (Big One)!
I hope her many many fans will buy my book. They will not be
disappointed. For that matter, as things be, I don't see anyone
around who won't adore it, except of
course, the inevitable envious scum.
Unless you have IFE-powered quidditch featured in the books, it might be
SOL. I heard there are quidditch groupies, and you'll certainly get all
that adoration, even if an IFE-powered broom won't be able to lift some
of these heifers.

BTW, with all decade's worth of smear (by Lady Kaka), you might be
better off writing under a pen name a la Saki, Mark Twain, Lewis
Carroll, ... I suggest, Yul B. Howling, I B Scowling, Day B Growling,
... You get the picture, right? Since you are a "staunch" desi, despite
being an Australian, you could settle for the prime pseudonym, Kaka Pudi
(ask your Tamil friends what that means in its primary, secondary and
tertiary sense).
As for you, quotay, I don't think you need go past the cover.
Why not? Surely you don't have your "poetry" in there, do you? That
stuff does make me nauseous, esp. if the quality is anything like one of
them "baboons swooning in lagoons" kind of "poems" you posted a while
back. Other than that, I should be able to navigate the turgid prose you
put out (Sant Jhaveri's inglis medium iskool at Ranchi wasn't
particularly kind to you). Will at least make for a good laugh.
Arindam (bin einstein ban gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-30 13:38:06 UTC
On May 29, 1:45 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh?
Yes, she knows how to make money by selling books.
That way, she is the greatest. The Guru (Big One)!
I hope her many many fans will buy my book. They will not be
disappointed. For that matter, as things be, I don't see anyone
around who won't adore it, except of
course, the inevitable envious scum.
As for you, quotay, I don't think you need go past the cover.
"The sweetest angel in Heaven looked down upon me -
Trapped by the quotawallahs, corrupt to their cores.
Her lovely face she thus allowed the world to see
As the representation of the Goddess, in Her divine chores."
Bullshit! Save the toxic "poetry" for your trashy e-pulp fiction
(science fiction?) that is soon going to hit e-bookstands. In the
meantime, dipshit, what are the two physics problems that this Indian
kid solved (the subject of this thread)? Why didn't the "greatest
genius" and the "divine being of physics" miss solving Newton's puzzles
(note Newton's, not Einstein's, goddamn moron)?
Note: quotawallah = such a descriptive noun for political and other
slimy types, that makes any pejorative qualifier redundant.
Really? I do not know the "saniskrit" you use, but that moniker is best
suited for progeny of Indian cops (thugs in uniform), no? Maybe a better
"saniskrit" term for you is "haftawallah".
Arindam (bin einstein ban gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-02 16:47:51 UTC
On May 29, 1:45 am, "Myself Mallu, Yourself?"
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh?
Yes, she knows how to make money by selling books.
That way, she is the greatest. The Guru (Big One)!
I hope her many many fans will buy my book. They will not be
disappointed. For that matter, as things be, I don't see anyone
around who won't adore it, except of
course, the inevitable envious scum.
As for you, quotay, I don't think you need go past the cover.
There is a chance that if the quotay does do that, he will become a
slightly less obnoxious asshole. If he wants to retain his existing
stench to the fullest, he better
not get past the cover. I do flatter myself about that, for this book
is ultimately all about (hopefully) making assholes not assholes, or
at least, less obnoxious entities.
Gotta give everyone a chance, even or especially the outstanding goons
of the goon squad.
On the other hand, assholes exist for some purpose - or do they? A
profound question! If asshole-existence is divinely ordained,then one
should let them remain
so for whatever purpose they may serve - so my point to the quotay
about him not improving his mind by reading my book. There is a
certain assured, standard integrity about his
negative state; that, maybe, should not be interfered with for it is a
reference of a sort.
On the other other hand, those interested in having order and decency
should get rid of all pests as efficiently as possible.
Lot of philosophical flatulence from Arindumb (must have been on
brussels sprouts) without any answers to the questions relevant to this

1. What two problems of Newton did the Indian/German schoolboy solve?
2. What were the "analytical" solutions to these two problems?
Arindam (bin einstein ban gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-02 19:03:30 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh?
Yes, she knows how to make money by selling books.
That way, she is the greatest. The Guru (Big One)!
I hope her many many fans will buy my book. They will not be
disappointed. For that matter, as things be, I don't see anyone
around who won't adore it, except of
course, the inevitable envious scum.
As for you, quotay, I don't think you need go past the cover.
There is a chance that if the quotay does do that, he will become a
slightly less obnoxious asshole. If he wants to retain his existing
stench to the fullest, he better
not get past the cover. I do flatter myself about that, for this book
is ultimately all about (hopefully) making assholes not assholes, or
at least, less obnoxious entities.
Gotta give everyone a chance, even or especially the outstanding goons
of the goon squad.
On the other hand, assholes exist for some purpose - or do they? A
profound question! If asshole-existence is divinely ordained,then one
should let them remain
so for whatever purpose they may serve - so my point to the quotay
about him not improving his mind by reading my book. There is a
certain assured, standard integrity about his
negative state; that, maybe, should not be interfered with for it is a
reference of a sort.
On the other other hand, those interested in having order and decency
should get rid of all pests as efficiently as possible.
Lot of philosophical flatulence from Arindumb (must have been on
brussels sprouts) without any answers to the questions relevant to this
1. What two problems of Newton did the Indian/German schoolboy solve?
2. What were the "analytical" solutions to these two problems?
Arindam (bin einstein ban gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Joshiji, you are really on to a nice "Panchatantr" [sic] story about
"The Monkey and the Bandicoot." Maybe Lady Kaka will be able to write
the "sakreenplay" and attract "Hindu investors" to make a short feature
film. ;-)
Bandicoot did write "Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine
young man, may be go on to do more great work!" as 18th or so post in
this thread. Could not figure out how to respond to Monkey's copy
paste for some time.
Bandicoot's NPD gets in the way of acknowledging accomplishments of
others; probably it figured the "schoolboy" of the subject line was
itself - the Bandicoot thinks it has never aged, despite being a geezer.
The Monkey, on the other hand, has been trying really hard to be
overjoyed by the accomplishment of a "desi" (whom Monkey perceives as
being "Hindu"). This is a way for the Monkey to move away from its
"asli" doogla roots. Sadly for the Monkey, the Indian schoolboy used
western mathematics, western analytical techniques, a good scientific
line of inquiry, ... but no "vedic" anything, not even the Monkey's
cowdung science (i.e., jyotishit).
Bandicoot is not here to clarify what others may have done. It is
about itself, but this time it went bit too far for me to investigate,
like Mongrel did 2 years back.
Speaking of the Mongrel, there is no trace, now even a "woof, woof", of
Suwara "kshatriya hunter" paaji any more. The Bandicoot did get a phukat
ka book from Parashurama. But you did mention a while back that
Parashurama finally met Sahasrarjuna in the cosmic ether.
Bandicoot and Monkey both kept talking about Outlook article. As late
as on 28 Jun 2011 Bandicoot very likely re-pasted its Outlook article
but would not give the link..
This must be an IITD thing. The graduates are quite "green" - they
recycle quite often, and their own copy-paste too. The Bandicoot at
least creates its own material. The Monkey merely copy pastes (usually
cowdung that Curry Ku loves to wallow in), with the occasional
"saniskritization" of spellings.
Surely Bandicoot must have sent copy of the article to his dotting
dad, but as surely would have kept the comments article got dad would
have been kept in dar.
Looks Monkey mever saw the link, else it would have jumped over
Bandicoot more ferociously past nine years.
Yeah, the article and a ticket to send his poor old dad from Ranchi to
the Writers Bldg. in Calcutta. What a heel!
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
2012-06-03 06:17:39 UTC
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Thanks for the link.  It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves.  For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues...  or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up!  That will be far more difficult!  Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day.  The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
JK Rowling? Huh?
Yes, she knows how to make money by selling books.
That way, she is the greatest.  The Guru (Big One)!
I hope her many many fans will buy my book.  They will not be
disappointed.  For that matter, as things be, I don't see anyone
around who won't adore it, except of
course, the inevitable envious scum.
As for you, quotay, I don't think you need go past the cover.
There is a chance that if the quotay does do that, he will become a
slightly less obnoxious asshole.  If he wants to retain his existing
stench to the fullest, he better
not get past the cover.  I do flatter myself about that, for this book
is ultimately all about (hopefully) making assholes not assholes, or
at least, less obnoxious entities.
Gotta give everyone a chance, even or especially the outstanding goons
of the goon squad.
On the other hand, assholes exist for some purpose - or do they?  A
profound question!  If asshole-existence is divinely ordained,then one
should let them remain
so for whatever purpose they may serve - so my point to the quotay
about him not improving his mind by reading my book.  There is a
certain assured, standard integrity about his
negative state; that, maybe, should not be interfered with for it is a
reference of a sort.
On the other other hand, those interested in having order and decency
should get rid of all pests as efficiently as possible.
Lot of philosophical flatulence from Arindumb (must have been on
brussels sprouts) without any answers to the questions relevant to this
1. What two problems of Newton did the Indian/German schoolboy solve?
2. What were the "analytical" solutions to these two problems?
Arindam (bin einstein ban gandi) Banerjee, greatest genius of all
time, sole god among lotsa devils.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Joshiji, you are really on to a nice "Panchatantr" [sic] story about
"The Monkey and the Bandicoot." Maybe Lady Kaka will be able to write
the "sakreenplay" and attract "Hindu investors" to make a short feature
film. ;-)
"Bandicoot" was so christened by "hanson" <***@quick.net> and
monkey has too many fathers.

I am just a plagiarist in the matter.
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Bandicoot did write "Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine
young man, may be go on to do more great work!"  as 18th or so post in
this thread. Could not figure out how to respond to Monkey's copy
paste for some time.
Bandicoot's NPD gets in the way of acknowledging accomplishments of
others; probably it figured the "schoolboy" of the subject line was
itself - the Bandicoot thinks it has never aged, despite being a geezer.
The Monkey, on the other hand, has been trying really hard to be
overjoyed by the accomplishment of a "desi" (whom Monkey perceives as
being "Hindu"). This is a way for the Monkey to move away from its
"asli" doogla roots. Sadly for the Monkey, the Indian schoolboy used
western mathematics, western analytical techniques, a good scientific
line of inquiry, ... but no "vedic" anything, not even the Monkey's
cowdung science (i.e., jyotishit).
Bandicoot is not here to clarify what others may have done. It is
about itself, but this time it went bit too far for me to investigate,
like Mongrel did 2 years back.
Speaking of the Mongrel, there is no trace, now even a "woof, woof", of
Suwara "kshatriya hunter" paaji any more. The Bandicoot did get a phukat
ka book from Parashurama. But you did mention a while back that
Parashurama finally met Sahasrarjuna in the cosmic ether.
Bandicoot and Monkey both kept talking about Outlook article. As late
as on 28 Jun 2011 Bandicoot very likely re-pasted its Outlook article
but would not give the link..
This must be an IITD thing. The graduates are quite "green" - they
recycle quite often, and their own copy-paste too. The Bandicoot at
least creates its own material. The Monkey merely copy pastes (usually
cowdung that Curry Ku loves to wallow in), with the occasional
"saniskritization" of spellings.
Surely Bandicoot must have sent copy of the article to his dotting
dad, but as surely would have kept the comments article got dad would
have been kept in dar.
Looks Monkey mever saw the link, else it would have jumped  over
Bandicoot more ferociously past nine years.
Yeah, the article and a ticket to send his poor old dad from Ranchi to
the Writers Bldg. in Calcutta. What a heel!
VB, Ubetjotushy
The Baboon Squad
Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-03 17:17:11 UTC
Post by DMJoshi
Post by Myself Mallu, Yourself?
Joshiji, you are really on to a nice "Panchatantr" [sic] story about
"The Monkey and the Bandicoot." Maybe Lady Kaka will be able to write
the "sakreenplay" and attract "Hindu investors" to make a short feature
film. ;-)
Ooops! The misspelled Panchatantra. It should have been Panchtantr [sic]
in Muckerajian Saniskrit.
Post by DMJoshi
monkey has too many fathers.
Not too many, just unknown. That is why Lady Kaka's last name is Gupta. ;-)
Post by DMJoshi
I am just a plagiarist in the matter.
But you still wouldn't reach the "class" of Lady Kaka when it comes to
copy-paste, plagiarism, "doctoring" ... ;-)
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-03 16:50:13 UTC
To destroy, or subdue, the asshole, is thus the question.
The former option is unkind; the second, tiresome.
Indifference is not the option, but such is the ape-like quality of
humans, that they will follow those assholes who abuse and vilify most
loudly and continuously.
You still don't get it, do you, dipshit? This thread has absolutely
_nothing_ to do with you, your culture, your ethnicity, your religion,
and/or your horseshit physics, and your equally horseshit opinions.
Stupid asshole, until this concept gets through your thick fucking head,
you will continue to get flogged.

Now dumb bastard, answer the questions posed about the problems that the
schoolboy solved. Your horseshit can be dealt with in another thread.
Damn! Are all you IIT graduates so goddamn thick? Add a couple more
questions to the list, pompous fucking git. How come you never attempted
to solve the problems that the schoolboy attempted to solve? Shouldn't
the "divine genius" have outdone Newton himself?
Then get power like all modern politicians and ruin the land, as
opposed to running it.
I suppose, it boils down to the current mood of those dealing with
assholes. Sometimes the guillotines, sometimes the whip+fine
Singapore style.
Yeah, the word "rattan" in Hind Rattan should make sense to a
thick-skinned buffalo like you. Bhainsa, you'll get your hind rattaned
A certain randomness, does help!
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-28 15:51:51 UTC
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum, but as Ms Mitchell
concluded, tomorrow is another day. The success of Ms JK Rowling
Madame, must be the
guiding star for the engineer who wants to make money.
Arindam Banerjee
Einsteinians are the most evil scum of the earth, that have completely
corrupted human values by relativising all values. False physics is
at the root of most human
Throwing them out of power, must be the job of all honest people.
Those with any guts, ask me to give a public presentation of how e=mcc
is complete rubbish, as is proved by the null results of the MMI
Arindam Banerjee
You do need your own newsgroup to rave and rant about Newton and
Einstein and the "cults" that you've built around them. Good for
revivalism in physics, now that the Feynmania as a cottage industry
seems to ebbing. Power to Arindumbia, and that sort of thing.

Now, the thread is about this Indian schoolboy (in Germany) solving two
problems in Newtonian physics. Providing technical information about the
two problems would be most useful. The schoolboy's ethnicity, religious
background, ... are immaterial, and your personal views on Newton and
Einstein are not germane either.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-30 13:42:12 UTC
On Mon, 28 May 2012 03:56:15 -0700 (PDT), Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum,
What's wrong with you?
Bigmouthed scum apologist,
but no proof that you know what you are talking?
Come you ENGiNEER and let us participate in your wisdom.
Is it, because your POLE does not fit into the BARN?
Cut it short then, your POLE, yo don't need it anyway
and all you can achieve is angering the females, ah,,. barns.
Scum spreading Arindam Banerjee, come on, give proof,
be a little brave ENGINEER and deliver.
Done that long long ago, back in 2005 not that any einsteinian scum
had the guts to ask me to deliver a PUBLIC speech in any reputed
If YOU have the guts, ask me to give a PUBLIC speech at any local
university, or pay first class for my fare and hotel charges to
wherever else.
Check out my debunking of the analytical results of the MMI experiment
which shows that if the Earth moves, then c(V)=c+V.
It should be easy to find out, it has been posted several times in
the ngs including sci.physics and in the past I have explained it all
very clearly.
If you can't even do that, let me know. If you are anything honest,
you will find that I had found out a subtle bungle in the whole
analysis of the null results.
Arindam Banerjee
So now explain to the "Universe" your blatant error
No error involved there. I answered all your questions, till you
resorted to dishonest behaviour.
The only dishonesty is your claim that your insulting responses were
legitimate answers to my valid criticisms (below) of your
'extraordinary' idea of Physics.
1) You did not, and still do not, understand the river analogy for the
Michaeles Morton experiment in the physics text that you cite in your
posted 'message to the Universe'.
2) Without evidence you contradict Newton by claiming that increments
of the kinetic energy of a mass are equal for equal increments of
velocity, independent of the mass's actual velocity.
That is that 0.5m(V"^2 - V'^2) = 0.5m(V"'^2 - V"^2).
3) You used 2) to derive two formulae e=0.5mVVN(N - k) and 0.5mVVN(N
-1/k) for your internal force engine. You refuse to address the k or 1/
k anomaly and to expand on your concepts of k as 'efficiency' and of N
as 'hits'.
There is nothing dishonest in these criticisms and surely it is not
too much to ask that you be a good little 'scientist' and address them
I found you even more dishonest than the esteemed and ridiculous
Joshijee. Science is among honest people - crooks are never included
in scientific discussions.
Bollocks! Your dishonesty should preclude you from a "career" in
science. It is time you got your own newsgroup, much like that resident
troll/astrologer/screenplay writer Lady Kaka. In the meantime, see a
shrink and get on meds for that NPD.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-05-30 14:20:18 UTC
On Mon, 28 May 2012 03:56:15 -0700 (PDT), Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks for the link. It is great to find that at last Newtonian
dynamics is being given the attention it deserves. For far too long
the world has been fooled by
Einsteinian nonsense. Now, let them try finding solutions to
rotational issues... or as one engineer-friend said, show us with
maths how the luchi
swells up! That will be far more difficult! Modelling non-linear
systems (antennas, CCS7,
call centre networks) has been a fair part of my professional career
(now over).
Arindam Banerjee.
Oops, I forgot, my congratulations to this fine young man, may be go
on to do more great work!
Arindam Banerjee
Of course, it is my life's goal to make IFEs, or at least a working
model before I exit.
An engineer's gotta make engines, what?
Too bad the world is entranced by einsteinian scum,
What's wrong with you?
Bigmouthed scum apologist,
but no proof that you know what you are talking?
Come you ENGiNEER and let us participate in your wisdom.
Is it, because your POLE does not fit into the BARN?
Cut it short then, your POLE, yo don't need it anyway
and all you can achieve is angering the females, ah,,. barns.
Scum spreading Arindam Banerjee, come on, give proof,
be a little brave ENGINEER and deliver.
Done that long long ago, back in 2005 not that any einsteinian scum
had the guts to ask me to deliver a PUBLIC speech in any reputed
If YOU have the guts, ask me to give a PUBLIC speech at any local
university, or pay first class for my fare and hotel charges to
wherever else.
Check out my debunking of the analytical results of the MMI experiment
which shows that if the Earth moves, then c(V)=c+V.
It should be easy to find out, it has been posted several times in
the ngs including sci.physics and in the past I have explained it all
very clearly.
If you can't even do that, let me know. If you are anything honest,
you will find that I had found out a subtle bungle in the whole
analysis of the null results.
Arindam Banerjee
So now explain to the "Universe" your blatant error
No error involved there. I answered all your questions, till you
resorted to dishonest behaviour.
The only dishonesty is your claim that your insulting responses were
legitimate answers to my valid criticisms (below) of your
'extraordinary' idea of Physics.
1) You did not, and still do not, understand the river analogy for the
Michaeles Morton experiment in the physics text that you cite in your
posted 'message to the Universe'.
2) Without evidence you contradict Newton by claiming that increments
of the kinetic energy of a mass are equal for equal increments of
velocity, independent of the mass's actual velocity.
That is that 0.5m(V"^2 - V'^2) = 0.5m(V"'^2 - V"^2).
3) You used 2) to derive two formulae e=0.5mVVN(N - k) and 0.5mVVN(N
-1/k) for your internal force engine. You refuse to address the k or 1/
k anomaly and to expand on your concepts of k as 'efficiency' and of N
as 'hits'.
There is nothing dishonest in these criticisms and surely it is not
too much to ask that you be a good little 'scientist' and address them
I found you even more dishonest than the esteemed and ridiculous
Joshijee. Science is among honest people - crooks are never included
in scientific discussions.
It is amusing to see how the corrupt to the core sewerpipe entities
support each other, under the leadership of the einsteinian pseudo-
scientific scum!
Now, when will the public tire of their antics? What about the black
hole they were about to create - what happened?
What about the universe being far far bigger and older than
einsteinian logic said it was?
heh-heh, the silly e=mcc crap could never have made it so big, never
could have corrupted minds so utterly had someone discovered
e=0.5mVVN(N-k) earlier. Pity
I had to be the first, a lot of trouble would have been avoided if
someone like Tesla had found it 100 years ago. Only he had the mind
to find it, but unfortunately
he did not.
At any rate, with the ruling scum ignoring my pointing out the bungle
in the interpretation of the null results of the MMI, there is no hope
for science. It is completely
corrupt, just like the banks and industries run by the cannibal
capitalist swine. Ugh.
Still, as Ms Mitchell wrote, tomorrow is another day.
Arindam Banerjee
Stupid fucking idiot, your comprehension of the English language is
quite poor, and your goddamn bloated ego gets in the way.

This thread is about two (seemingly mysterious) problems of Newton
deemed intractable without numerical simulation. The schoolboy, whose
ethnicity seems to have taken on a bigger role than the problems
themselves, supposedly came up with analytical solutions (if the
mainstream media are to be believed). What were the two problems, and
what were the supposedly closed-form solutions to those problems? Do you
think that as a "scientist," that you claim to be, you can answer those
two simple questions? This thread isn't about you or your worldviews, or
your horseshit physics. There is another "Defend Arindam" sewerpipe for
that. Dig?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-01 14:25:08 UTC
Physics is not art. What is wrong, is wrong for all applications,
although it is possible for the ruling scum to rule that fair is foul
and foul is fair. In this e=mcc context
that is done with twisting facts, corrupting logic, with the help of
impenetrable mathematics, science fiction, corruption in academia and
control of media all to show
how nice Einstein was, and how clever he was.
Impenetrable maths? The only thing impenetrable is the block of lead
above your shoulders.
e=mcc does not apply in any condition, for it is total nonsense. All
the energies created and destroyed can be explained in terms of
dynamics, from my formula
e=0.5mVVN(N-k). Ranging from the striking of a match, to the energies
provided by the stars and planets.
And the theory of refried beans is explained by the "phormula" too.
Arindam Banerjee
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-03 16:49:26 UTC
Add to the above list my screenplay for the movie "Defend
Arindam" (working title, subject to change).
Ooooooh! How very touching. A "soothsayer" (gotta know Tamil to
appreciate that) offering to throw in genuine cowdung into the horse
manure mix of Arindumb, thereby sanctifying it.
That won't be any product of mine... Thanks, anyway, but all the
credit for that project is for you and your associates, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
And the ingrate passes up on the free offer (note the word free) to
elevate the sanctity of horse manure. Tsk, tsk.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-03 17:13:15 UTC
That won't be any product of mine... Thanks, anyway, but all the
credit for that project is for you and your associates, Jai.
Arindam Banerjee
Dhanyavaad for your kind gesture! Do not be surprised
when a part or all of the publicity, and my proceeds from
the project are directed to your work in the future.
Certainly there will be ample scope for investments, with high hopes
of returns, when my experiments work out to my satisfaction.
Nice! A deal seems to have been struck between the Horse Manure Co. and
Codwung, Inc., but there is still no information about the problems the
German schoolboy (of Indian origin and ethnicity, which was played up
heavily) solved, nor is there information about the analytical solutions.
Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I will copy portions of this thread in the "New movie -
'Defend Arindam!'" thread.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-04 04:46:56 UTC
Yes, we owe all our happiness to useful innovations and investors, and
people who work upon their products; as opposed to the vile mouthings
of the idiot-intellectuals and the whinings of the poseurs.
Arindam Banerjee
More philosophical flatulence from Arindumb in response to the
"scientific astrologer" (talk about an oxymoron). Hey dumbshit, if your
intake of refried beans is way beyond ordinary levels, you can save some
of the excess "internal energy" for your engines instead of unloading it
here, no?

You owe your happiness to quantum mechanics, which you have absolutely
no "belief" in (but without a "deductive logic" based alternative). The
vile-mouth idiot-intellectual (not idiot savant) is you, and you are one
fucking poseur, quite like the "real Hindu" Lady Kaka.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-04 05:13:09 UTC
I recently heard that facebook and twitter are good for marketing
products. On my internet tv their sites are present, and that is a
recent development.
Arindam Banerjee
Yup! You got that right. Twits can market "products" via Phacebook and
Tweeter [the "real Hindu" equivalents]. Products are not limited to just
books on metaphysics. I'm sure you can market cowdung, horseshit
physics, ... and opinions too (yours and Lady Kaka's - the Baboon Squad)
- precious opinions that rarely rise above the level of excrement of the
non-primate species.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-05 04:56:39 UTC
Twitter and Facebook are being used by marketers to sell
products and services, yes, and the more successful ones
are building genuine social relationships based on common
Thanks, Jai.
Twitter led to the political downfall of one Keralite, Shashi Tharoor,
a junior but snooty minster in the Indian Govt. Poor chap. Both the
ruling party and the opposition, each holding one of his ears, hauled
him out of his kursi. While the issue raised was corruption, I think
it was his inane twittering that led to his downfall.
Facebook, as far as I am concerned, was invented so that one Meg
Worley could take away the faithful from rec.arts.books in order to
rid themselves of three presences there, one being myself. After that
it must have taken off on its own merits - which, going by its market
capitalisation, should be considerable.
I'll have to check them out, in due course.
Arindam Banerjee
Ooooooh! Cowdung and Co and Horseshit, Inc. want to drive everyone away
from the internet, Facebook, Twitter, ... with all that copy-paste
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-05 07:28:16 UTC
. . .
Thanks, Jai.
Twitter led to the political downfall of one Keralite, Shashi Tharoor,
a junior but snooty minster in the Indian Govt. Poor chap. Both the
ruling party and the opposition, each holding one of his ears, hauled
him out of his kursi. While the issue raised was corruption, I think
it was his inane twittering that led to his downfall.
Facebook, as far as I am concerned, was invented so that one Meg
Worley could take away the faithful from rec.arts.books in order to
rid themselves of three presences there, one being myself. After that
it must have taken off on its own merits - which, going by its market
capitalisation, should be considerable.
I'll have to check them out, in due course.
Arindam Banerjee
I am not familiar with the Meg Worley episode. What happened?
Hot diggity dog! The headpriestess of copy-paste hate sang an old Paul
Anka-ish hit to poor old Arindumb:

"Put yer 'ead on me shoulder. Tell me yer istory baybeeeee."

Comes out real well in "bhaiyyanese" (the language of the heart of a
milk diluter from the heart of India's cowbelt). Touching! Someone
please pass that box of Kleenex. Sniffle! Sniffle!
Long story. Lots of people, many very important maybe, used to post
in rec.arts.books once upon a time, saying much about titans such as
Derrida and Nabokov. I did too (being very unimportant of course) and
was usually ignored at best or condescendingly
my book "To the Stars!" I used that ng among others as a medium for
publicity. That made
plenty of people very unhappy, even though I was as polite as could
When all you had to do was get with Lady Kaka way back in time and get
yourself an alt.fan.arindumb newsgroup, you chose not to. In the day of
"blogging" do you really need these Usenet groups? Get on to some of
them wordpress.com dealies and "blog" away. You'll no longer have to say
much about midget titans like Nabokov, and you can discuss your favorite
divine titan (of titans) - Yourself! (Note: Not Myself).
Another angle was that you had to say that anything genuinely
Indian had to be rubbish or
bullshit since India was a poor country; whatever the firangis said
about India (especially ancient India) was absolutely correct, and
that all firangi-favored writers of Indian origin
(Rushdie-types) were the real
Indian writers, all others were trash to be ignored.
And you were so offended by these barbs that you became an Australian.
Tsk, tsk. That must have hurt real bad.
I did not support
this angle, and to prove my point, translated several Hindi and
Bengali lyrics into English
with the corresponding tunes playing in my head. That also upset them,
so far as I could see. They called me many harsh names, all unfair,
to which I replied that racists
and bigots, hypocritical or otherwise, could not behave any
differently, perhaps.
Bad, bad mistake to unload your "poetry" on the unsuspecting. While your
prose is just about passable, your verse is much worse. Hopefully you
did not unload the nauseating stuff about "baboons swooning in lagoons."
I break out in hives reading that crap. Worse yet is belting out these
poems in "Robindra songeet" (aila! caterwauling is better). Wonder how
the folks at Shantiniketan took that. At it does explain the exodus of
commies to JNU.
They could do nothing logical or impressive to put me down, and
ignoring me had its limits evidently. Reverse-racist brown-nosed brown-
nosers of Indian origin tried to backstab me
as much as they could, but that also did not work.
Wow! You are one tough dude who disproved Newton's first law - the body
did not move even when acted upon by an external phorce (because the
divine infernal phorce was so much greater).
It all ended with their mass exodus to facebook. It was the bitchko
Ilechko who named me and two others as entities unwanted on their
facebook page. Prof Muir of Stanford Uni protested strongly against
this discrimination, and that warmed the cockles of my heart.
However, just as there was no keeping me out, there was no keeping
them in, so they all migrated,
somewhat to my chagrin.
Dang! The Baap, the Beta, and the Divine Being led to the "Exodus"? I
thought it was that bald Egyptian pharaoh dude who did that. Yeah, yeah,
Yul Brynner, that's who. So it was written (by the iscreenplay guy) and
so it was done by Cecil B DeMille. Anyways, the "exodus" happened with
them leaving with a grin, much to your chagrin. And so, you decided to
unload your trauma on s.c.indian. Figures.

BTW, I did not realize that "divine beings" had in their hearts molluscs
that needed warming.
Note: bitchko = male bitch
Now, now. That is not a nice thing to call Lady Kaka, who as a chicken
entrails reader, prefers to be called "witchko".
Arindam Banerjee
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-08 13:33:48 UTC
it would be interesting, to hear *any* thing at all,
about the actual problem.
No chance of that happening, not with Arindumb's propensity to hijack
all threads to talk about his horseshit physics.
VB, Ubetjotushy
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-09 16:48:08 UTC
The lying little pus bag, Lady Kaka, kicked off this crap, not because
the German schoolboy solved a problem or two in physics (Lady Kaka, the
fraudulent little astrologer, i.e., a pseudoscientist, has no clue about
physics), but solely because the schoolboy had Indian ethnicity, and
additionally had a Hindu background (or so Lady Kaka thought).

The dimwitted Arindumb did not need too much of a provocation to jump in
with his usual horseshit physics. The SOB read schoolboy, Newton,
(keywords for the aging geezer), and promptly hijacked this thread to
suit his own agenda, with Lady Kaka fanning the flames. Gawd! Lady Kaka
has to be lowest kind of human garbage on the planet. This copy-paste
artist is an evil fucking troll.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
In desperation, you resort to blatent lying. Your post
speaks volumes to your lack of intelligence. - Zinnic
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The typical scoundrel puts his own crimes and failings
upon others, and that you show very well. - Arindam Banerjee
Oooooh! Lady Kaka threatens to unload more copy-paste. The bitch still
ain't got a clue about the two problems or their solutions that the
schoolboy came up with.
No problem? Wrong! A problem is your deliberately omitting citation
of Arindam's post which I claimed to be lying/dishonest.
Hah! Zinnic encountered Lady Kaka's propensity to be very selective when
it comes to cut and paste. The title "Dr.", that Lady Kaka gives
herself, is completely phony. The title essentially says this evil
fucking dishonest troll will "doctor" articles that come her way.
What could be more stupid than implying that IC petrol cars are moving
on earth because they throw out exhaust gases...
What could be more dishonest than this twisting around, instead of
addressing what I am saying?
Spot on. The quoted paragraph was conveniently ignored by the
knuckledragger, Lady Kaka. Now y'all know how this pus bag operates.
This omission makes your bias clear but not it's motivation, Is it to
profit from Arindam's delusions by making him the 'antihero' of a
film illustrating the "strife and trials' in the 'life and times' of a
typically obsessive science crank?
Phony Doc is all about money and profit. The astrology business must
have gone belly up, and so she's spinning a new line about
Hollywood/Bollywood. Must have smelled money, what with Arindumb
claiming to be globetrotting every six months. Arindumb's horseshit
"science" is immaterial to this con artist. What Lady Kaka wants is
Arindumb's M.O.N.E.Y.
You, and neutral readers, know that Arindam introduces his off-topic
pseudoscience in most of his responses to threads, including this one.
You also know that I did NOT make the nonsensical implication he
claims in his post quoted above. In itself his post stands as
unequivocal evidence of his own "twisting" dishonesty and refusal to
address legitimate objections to his extraordinary claims. Claims
invariably accompanied by insults to the character of any and all his
critics and by baseless denigration of the accomplishment of bona fide
scientists. A modus operandi common to cranks!
Yup! However, Arindumb does have all the symptoms of NPD. Several visits
to a shrink and going on meds will help his case. However, Lady Kaka is
playing the dumb SOB like a violin.
My agenda is first to insulate scientifically naive readers of this NG
(alt.philosophy) from pollution by Arindam's fads and fallacies and
secondly, less hopefully, to protect him from his own folly. My
impression is that, in contrast, it is your intention to compound his
folly! So cruel?
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-10 14:13:13 UTC
so, you don't care about the kids problem,
either, Sole Man?
I appreciate the fact that he has got some recognition from western
sources. So why should he have a problem?
Stupid bozo, to date you have not written about the two problems that
the schoolboy solved, and why his solutions are a big deal. Instead,
you've hijacked this thread to focus attention on your horseshit
physics. Dishonest little pus bag, you can stick your "appreciation" (of
the recognition of the schoolboy's achievement) where the sun don't shine.

For a guy who claims to be in the same class as Newton, you should have
dissected the two problems here and shown how the new "infernal force"
physics of yours would have solved them. All you've managed to do so far
is blow hot air here.
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised
Myself Mallu, Yourself?
2012-06-10 14:16:15 UTC
In article
In article
In article
Thursday, June 7, 2012
In =3D3DA0desperation, =3D3DA0you resort to blatent lying. =3D3DA=
0Your post
speaks volumes to your lack of intelligence. - Zinnic
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The typical scoundrel puts his own crimes and failings
upon others, and that you show very well. - Arindam Banerjee
Chaps like this fine youngster have no difficulty about following my
works in physics. Over the last few years I have met quite a few of
such bright young people, and I am sure that one day these are the
guys and gals who will take humanity forward by abandoning old and
wrong notions and following newer and better ideas. All the best to
them. As for the ruling scum of the earth, their dishonesty and
shamelessness is obvious to all those who still retain basic human
decency and have some intelligence.
I once again thank Jai for his support. =3DA0I am sure he is not alone.
The ruling einsteinian scum have their days numbered - it won't be too
long before they are most humiliatingly dismissed as the most
outrageous pseudo-scientific frauds.
Arindam Banerjee
You are welcome! And I am certain that you have a lot of support.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Thanks very much, Jai.
This incident about the 16 year old schoolboy solving a tough problem
took me bach to the days of my youth. In particular, when we had to do
a science project to
win the NSTS scholarship. Those selected for interview after passing
the test, would have to discuss their project with the big guys.
I chose to do my project on friction. Whether one is more likely to
slip with rubber soles, or leather soles, on roads.
For that purpose I had to dig up a part of a road. It wasn't easy,
and I could not do it with the gardening tools at my disposal. Elders
got interested, though, and the
local maintenance office helped. A big guy with big crowbar dug up an
authentic piece of road, upon which I did my eperiments in the lab.
Where I learnt that
experimental results were never as nice as the theory graphs indicated
they should be. Nevertheless, I persevered and got some results. When
the time came, I
went to the interview with my stuff. =A0The other guys had brought
really impressive, expensive stuff and I had what, a piece of road,
some pulley sytems, and old
shoes with rubber or leather soles. They made some impression upon
the big guys when I laid them on the table.
Arindam Banerjee
When I started this thread ("Schoolboy cracks age-old
mathematics problem") I thought that others may share
some of their own scientific achievements. Dhanyavaad for
sharing yours. A couple of my own inventions are in use
in a few areas. Did you study mecahnical enginnering at
No, I studied Electronics and Electrical Communication
Engineering, 1973-78.
I ask this because you have described your experiment
involving friction and because your current work involves
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
Well, for the first three years we all had a more or less
common course, including dynamics, physics, etc.
At IITD too the first three years were mostly common with
one exception: textile, which no other IIT offered then.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
I vaguely recall that you wrote that you commuted to IITD
on a Rajdoot. How far?
50 Km, or 1 liter of petrol, or Rs8 per trip.
I lived on campus.
And this "conversation" between two charlatans - Lady Kaka and Arindumb
(The Monkey and The Bandicoot) - is relevant to the German schoolboy's
physics/maths problems. How?

Did you two trolls ever hear of e-mail to take your bullshit
conversation offline?
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
VB, Ubetjotushy

The Baboon Squad

Dr. Muckeraj, aka Lady Kaka, aka Kakadevi, aka The Old Cow of Hawaii,
and her faithful monkey, Fanabba, aka Poochie, are rabid evangelical
Christians. The Baboon Squad, as Kakadevi and Pooch call themselves,
hates Hindus, Muslims, and Catholics, and the US too, which makes them
copy-paste trash 24/7. The transgender idiot, Kakadevi, claims to be a
"scholar" of Sanskrit, but hasn't demonstrated any knowledge or mastery
of it. However, there is plenty of evidence of attempts made by
Macaulay's monkey to "doctor" original articles to pidginize Sanskrit
words, perhaps to send Sanskrit into the gutter. The "doctorate" that
Kakadevi claims to have is likely for copy-paste research on the myriad
applications of cowdung. Other than some stock phrases that are
copy-pasted regularly, the Cosmic Baboon has shown no originality or
creativity, nor has the monkey contributed anything of value to any
discussion. Macaulay's other monkey, who, apart from saying "ditto" to
Kaka's caca, has no other skills than spraying fire hydrants with raised